mayonnaise accident!!
Suatu hari didapur Indrapura...Restoran nd begitu rame... Risollespun jadi korban santapan orang-orang kelaparan didapur...

Tante Paula : "Say! Jangan lupa nih makannya pake mayonnaise ini nih...enaaaak bener deh! Cobain deh.."

adegan cocoL mencocol risolles dengan mayonnaise yang menurut pengakuan tante enakpun berlangsung dengan sukses...and emang mayo-nya enak...semua puas dibuatnya...

Tante Paula : "Tuh kan say! dibilangin gak percaya sih..Ini mayonaise paling enak..temen-temen aku juga kalo pas aku mau pulang pada minta nitip ini nih... Mayo dari Belanda punya... Jauuuuh deh dari Australia punya...

Okky,setengah nyletuk... "Lah..emang Belanda jauh tan dari Australia..hehehe..."
anak-anak :"HAHAHAHAH..."
Tante Paula : "HEH!! AWAS KAMU YAAA!!"

okky : "cenger" =P
koLaboRasi naga bonaR en boneKa penyoE...

weLL...naga bonaR [my laptop's name =P] has been being accompanied by a new cute sea turtle doll...he won't be alone anymore..hahaha....^^ a good collaboration by the color of the naga bonarwith the calm color of those cute little doll... [Agre gave this doll for me in Guetersloh Kerstmarkt..]

Anyway...A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009 for you all... hope this coming year will bring us to our better state in our life...^^
God Bless you all!!
meRRy CHRistmas!!

Merry Christmas everyonE!^^
hopE you have a wondeRFuL chRistmas..

GoD BLess You!!
-Trip, Duesseldorf-
yaaP!! finally....i made it! hahaha...thanks God for making this happened for me... jaaahh..repot aja nulis pake english englishan... mumpung ud lama tidak menulis dengan gaya bahasa apa adanya...mari kita membaca dengan apa adanya... -halah..ngemenK epe...- Mungkin rasanya trip ke Jerman ini dibagi menjadi beberapa postingan saja...yg pertama ini, Duesseldorf...ok ok?=P jadi..cerita bermula dari bangun di pagi2 buta [morning2blind?] sekitaran jm5 en siap siap trus menuju rai dengan jalan sehat... singkat kata singkat cerita, kami ber3 [aku,agre,n cindy] sudah berada dikereta ICE menuju ke duesseldorf...naH eman jan ndeso, jadi kami itu nd nyadar kalo di tiket itu ada gerbong kreta berapa n nomer kursi berapa...biasa soalnya kan kaLo naek kreta diBelanda juga tinggal duduk ae sih... setelah beberapa stasiun n ini kreta ngetem di Utrecht Centraal, Lha akhirnya baru ngeh juga kaLo kita itu duduk diseat oRang Laen... nah naH..peLajaRan peRtama... Laen kaLi kaLo mau naeK kReta, Liat duLu geRbong beRapa n seat beRapa tiKetmu..=P seteLah merunut geRbong dan seat...teRnyata aku dapet seat VIP.. pLeK peRsis dibeLaKang paK kusiR yang sedang mengendaLi kReta Listrik ini..ciamik soRo.. peRjaLanan seLanjutnya ke DuesseldoRf, aKu tuRu...ngantuk soaLnya kaRena bangun kepagian n bo2 kuRang malem...apesnya,1geRbong itu isinya ibu2 PKK BeLanda Lagi ngRumpi aRisan... yowes,ga gt bisa micek dengan puas... seteLah sampe dengan seLamat di Duesseldorf, biasa... foto foto!!

[cindy-agre-me-melisa-yanuar] juRu poto:gladdy=P
Nah...begitu nyamPe,kiTa cLingaK cLinguk nyaRi touRist infoRmation centRe yang akhiRnya membeRikan infoRmasi yang begitu bermanfaat dan beRdaya guna bagi kelangsungan hidup alam semesta..haLah..ngemeng epe... Intinya: buat welcome caRd! that's very impoRtant.. you can take all the tram, metro, n bus for free, for 24h,48h,and even 72h...harganya pun ekonomis...cuKup dengan 18euro buat 3orang..jadi 1orang kenanya 6euro...ud gt dapet banyaK promo lagi...mantabh! tambah lagi diDuesseldorf ini emang apa2 murah koK.. setelah cukup berpusing pusing [red:muter2] naek turun tram gratis berbekal peta ala kadarnya [itu sudah paKe acara naek ke rheinturm,menara tinggi buat sightseeing yang pada saat itu terasa lil bit useless karena kabut tebal, poto2 dibelakang sungai rhein yang konon kabarnya terkenal itu juga,dan nahan perut kelaparan], akhirnya kita pun sepakat makan siang... makan siang disini juga 3M, Murah-meRiah-muntaH... dengan harga 8.15 euro, bisa dapet ayam+ndog ceplok,vegetables,mashed potatoes,n jus apple...tapi,makanan ini namanya apa juga nd tau wah...wkwkkw..siLahkeun dikasi nama sendiri jikalaw beRkenan... KecuaLi ibu gladdy, lebih mahal..entuk bebek soale...uaheuhaeu... ud makan muntaH gt, yanuaR masih aja nambah sepiRing Lagi..saLut saLut!!^^ biz maem jalan2 lagi clingak clinguK di pasar natal yang sebenarnya...-akhirnya- wkkwkwk...

hauhea...jadi dipasar natal ini kita ngicipi hot winE ala German yang konon kabarnya cuma eksis pada musim dingin saja...namanya Gluwine, mbuh bener pa nda nulisnya..terus makanan khas German jg, namanya Bradwurst... trus ya biasa lah, poto poto dsb dsb... pasar natal di Duesseldorf ini dibagi jadi 6pasar...jadi ya mesti jalan jalan kesini kesitu menikmati pemandangan yang ada...-btw, thanks to Glad for editing the pictures...^^-

Setelah berjalan jalan..ternyata waktu berputar dengan cepat dan tidak disangka dan tidak dinyana...jam menunjukkan pukul 6sore..yang artinya kita bertiga -aku,agre,cindy- harus berpisah dengan mereka bertiga -yanuar,melisa,glad- karena kita bertiga mesti melanjutkan perjalanan ke Guetersloh, stasiun kecil dibagian laen Jerman....jadi perjalan ke Duesseldorf berlanjut ke Guetersloh...

-to be continued^^-
waduh....h-1 ke DuesseldorF..maLah fLu gini...T____________T niet so goooooeed maaann..... i hoPe i will get better the following trip is not getting interrupted by some disease.. it is just like the song i heard just now...
"But there's one thing...i know..the blues they sent to meet me won't defeat won't be long till happiness steps up to meet me..."

That's from BJ Thomas...Raindrop keeps falling on my head... ahh...i hope my happiness, which is to be set free from this influenza will step up to meet me..jah jah....
anyway, i just got one nice video from my dearly beloved far away there.. thank you for loving me hun...^^ im sorry not to be able to be an extraordinary man... -i wish i couLd post the video here..buT the extension file is i couldn't-
i Love u chay..fRom the deepest of my heart...just wait for me..for some couples of month...

[HopE OuR Love Last And NeveR Die]
rooibos, new fave tea!
Rooibos..rooibos..rooibos.. to see it on the cup of my tea was previously rare.. but now i'm sure that it will be my next favorite drink... Then it is reminding me bout the phase "don't judge the book by its cover"...eeheee... coZ when the first time i looked at the pack, wow..what kind of tea is this? It mustn taste so good...=( without ever wanted to try it... until yesterday, i convinced my self to ask Beny wheter it is a good tea or not..he replied without any doubt..."Rooibos is good, kind of sweet!"
wow...then i grabbed my cup and made my rooibos tea... it was damn tasty! -wonder if the word "tasty" is suitable for tea...hehehe- after finishing the last sip...i took a bigger cup, made another Rooibos and pretty satisfied..

This morning when i tried to work on my 4th chapter, this Rooibos tea crossed my mind and eventually i looked at the search engine to find any article bout this tea..
Rooibos tea is a natural herb unique to the South African Cedarberg Mountains. During the summer months the Rooibos plants are harvested, fermented and dried in nature's laboratory. Pure mineral water, fresh mountain air and the hot African sun induces the change from verdant green to the mahogany red of Rooibos tea. Rich in many essential natural elements - to bring you a delicious elixir that you will grow to love.. []

This Rooibos also helps in fighting the free radical, contains lot of anti-oxidant, with also lot of mineral such as copper, iron and pottasium, calsium, fluoride, zinc, manganese (i dunno what it is), alpha-hydroxy for skin health, and magnesium for nerv system...
My my.....i guess i will have some more benefit of the tea... hahaha..

This picture is the rooibos bush from legume family.. [geez! Like i still remember those kind of families! hahaha...
anyway.... I miss my kuchay a Lot...T_______________T -WDH! it has nothing to do with Rooibos man!!!-
plan trip
Next plan trip :

Departing from Amsterdam to Duesseldorf, 17th December 08, 7:04..
Arriving from Duesseldorf in Amsterdam, 19th December 08, 11:32..

Hope everything turns out right...

Looking forward to it!

Guest conversation, accent mode?
wew...Yesterday was the 1st December! it's been 5months now and i'm getting the 6th month! Time went so did...hahha.... I think i will remind some silly conversation with my guest..well, with Indrapura's guest to be exact... haheuahe... coz recently my memory is messing arround... jah... Let's begin!

One not quite busy day.. Table 21..
G : "Let me guess...are you Japanesse?"
Me : "eH? I'm Indonesian siR... Do I look like Japanesse?"
G : " are Indonesian... I see..because your accent is like Japanesse... I have a Japanesse best friend whose accent is just like yours..."
Me : "ahahaha...No sir, Im Indonesian.." [Thinking back that if it wasdf so, than my english are Japlish? or maybe...his bestfriend has very good English..hahaha...]

The following hour...Table 8...
G : "...and..How long will you be here??"
Me : "well, since i'll be here just for one year, so next year i'll be going home.."
G : " Are you kidding me?!?! Your English is very good! why should you go back??"
Me : "Ahaha...I don't think so Mam..."
G : "Yes! You are very good!! You have kind of American accent since we talked!"
Me : "Wow, is that so? hahaha..i'll take it as a compliment..hahaha..." [And what about those Japanesse accent then??? Now i've got confused...]

The end of the day...Table 23..almost 11 o'clock...
Me : "Hi...Is everything fine here with the food?"
G : " no no...we are not finished yet...."
Me : "eh? No..i mean... Is everything fine??"
G : "wait a second,mm..i will this one...then you can..take it..."
Me : "No mam...i was asking whether the food is fine or not, or either you need something else...."
G : "aahh... ya ya!! the Food is...FANTASTIS!!"
Me : "hahha... please...take your time.." [Wondering, which accent of English i should have used...]

ayayayayai....maybe i will try to use my Javanesse English to the guest....a.k.a the MEDOK Mode of Okky....
Return to Ravenhearst
waaahh..this is the last hidden object that has been waiting for all of the MCF fans! finally the game has been released on 27th of November... and i've just beat it!! hahaha.... but i skipped 2 puzzle and that was so pity...

Total playing hour for me was 8hours something..but it was worth it anyway..hihihi... the return to ravenhearst started when the detective thought he was finished the case on Ravenhearst manor by freeing Emma's soul.. later on, when he did the case in Madame Fate Caravan, he's been told that Charles's soul will avenge him and he need to be back to Ravenhearst once again since also the queen sent letter about something dark lied in Ravenhearst Manor..

The fact that it is not only Emma's soul but also Rose's and her twin daughter's soul which are burried and need to be freed, bring some more mystery by the presence of Charles' Son, Victor.. How will thedetective reveal this mystery and stop Charles vengeful spirit for good?
The gameplay itself is also being given as the best Big Fish Game ever..different from other Hidden Object games where we will be directed to the scene, we have to roam through many places by ourselves, finding item that will be useful for the clue to open the next door, as well as finding the fact about the manor itself... The puzzles are just as clever and intetive as the past game has, with some more skipping puzzle that allows us to go forward if we got stucked... one that bring this game more is that the attractively and amazingly music composing by the developer..two thumbs up for BFG!

The picture here from above is 3 of the screenshot, which is Victor's house on the cliff, one of the sound puzzle that obviously drove me crazy for some while, and the statue of Emma next to the heart door of Charle's burried soul... well, wondering how good the game is? download and play for 1 hour free or buy this game in here!
You can also review the video of this game here!
Happy gaming!^^

Laskar Pelangi
Mimpi adalah kunci untuk kita menaklukan dunia...beRlarilah tanpa lelah..sampai engkau meraihnya...^^ what a nice and symple lyrics by Nidji.. -i dont really know wheter it is them who wrote the lyric or not^^- anyway, i haven't really finished the novel from hempry, Laskar Pelangi... But..when i heard that this movie is being showed in Indonesia, i really want to watch the movie... gosh!!

I think I will just finish the PDF file of Laskar Pelangi in my flash disk...huhuhu.....

Menarilah dan terus tertawa...
Walau dunia tak seindah suRga...
BersyukuRLah pada yang Kuasa...
Cinta kita di dunia...


-Keep dancing..keep laughing...eventough this world is not as beautiful as heaven...Keep thanking to Him...that ouR Love in this world...Last ForeveR-


well..hoaheoae... finally,i'm back! afteR all the negative effects which had been haunting me for couple days... anyway, i hoPe you are all fine there!^^
what am i gonna write now then? ah..this is my story bout the snow.. hihhi.. my first time to see the snow was 2years ago, when i was still in Grand View Lodge, MN.. That moment is unforgottable...i still remember I shaked my supervisor's body while she was driving the van..I think i was almost crying.. hahaha...^^ then the next day i lied on the white layer on the ground of the parking area... took a picture with Arnold and seemed that i have no longer the sad.. anyway, the memories come up again..yesterday was another snow for me.. well i don't really know if that was the snow or the hagel... but i'll show the picture..^^

Nah,,now it's your opinion to think this as a hagel, or snow...uaheae.. anyway, I just like this Man.Utd jersey! KLOP toch?=P btw,those picture was taken by Joko in front of Indrapura Restaurant... That was freaking cold man! unbelievabLe!!

Lucky me, Benny made me a glass of *something i dont know* that really hit the bar and made me warm..wkwkwkw... thanks for the drink Ben...make me another one! you're the man!! hahaha...^^

And the next journey was to waLk along those cold path to get tram25 with Joko and Elik.. ah..Amsterdam is quite after the hagel, the sun shined very brightly, and then it got rain..and then...I don't care anymore... T_____________T

Sepasang Mata Bola
Hampir malam di Jogja
Ketika keretaku tiba
Remang - remang cuaca
Terkejut aku tiba - tiba

Dua mata memandang
Seakan akan dia berkata
Lindungi aku pahlawan
Daripada Sang Angkara Murka

Sepasang mata bola
Dari balik jendela
Datang dari Jakarta
Nuju medan perwira
Kagumku melihatnya
Sinar sang perwira rela
Hati telah terpikat
Semoga kelak kita berjumpa pula..

UHeuhaea....mbuh kok lagi suka sama lagu ini...ini pasti gara2 Indrapura yang selalu always setiap saat muter lagu keroncongan ala Aryati, Jembatan Merah, Bengawan Solo, dan lain lain termasuk Sepasang Mata Bola... ahh...tapi emang lagu ini selalu terngiang ngiang sejak jaman SD pas ibu-ibu PKK masih suka kumpul arisan trus latian nyanyi lagu ini buat 17an di Lapangan Bandung Bondowoso, sampe sma waktu denger Kristian nyanyi lagu ini tapi versi ngaconya... dan yang heran puLa, sampe sekarangpun diriku nun jauh dari Indonesia, sepasang mata bola dari balik jendela emang tidak lapuk dilekang oleh waktu...ciehh.... btw, tadi sempet juga baca baca di blognya Lepas Stresssssssssssssss! lumayan juga buat melepas stress penat yang tertahan setelah sekian lama..uaheuae.. itu diatas bisa dklik, sapa tau juga situ [red:yang lagi baca] bisa terlepaskan stressnya...

nb:ternyata sepasang mata bola yang ini datengnya dari Semarang, bukan dari Jakarta!! [hear the song here]

Fog and Cold by The Dapper Markt
tuinK! winter time is coming...and nowadays Amsterdam has been covered by the fog badly... while the same thing happens 2days ago.. That was my day off and i planned to go to the Dapper Market, the market that chosen to be the best market in Netherlands last year..can't believe it actually..hahaha... ^^ I went there with Joko and Jessica [JJ?=P], to see how good the stuff there is...and how cheap as well..wkwkw.. weLL, that was good anyway!! hahaha, i've got the 3.5euro flashlight for the bike [Joko got it for 5 in albercuijp!^^] and also the 5euro shirt for my uniform.. uaheuae..not that bad right? one that made it bad was the very thick fog and also it was very cold there! The Global Freezing effect is now hitting me i think...fiuh... Geez..i dont know what the temperature was and i don't want to know, but that was ech coud man!! The problem that I hadn't had my breakfast made the situation worst...ahahha..stupid me... So, we went to KFC to search for the warm place first before deciding to have some meal there...hahaha..and actually we had our lunch there...

and that was the last picture we took before having our lunch by the edge of the street facing the cold river...hahaha.. That was me, Jessica, and Joko... -you should have opened your eyes Ju!=P-

anyway,it was tiring day..and also i've spent much strippen card that day...wew! while we went to Indrapura to have something light..then we went to Harlem..we've never been there, so we decided to visit it as well as accompanied Jessica home... got the pizza and bubur ayam, it was not bad at all to have it as the medicine from the hungry and cold..hahaha... thanks for the meaL jes!!^^ Then we had hurry back to Indrapura to take care of a silly matter and bring some food home and once again catching the tram...What a day.. The point is the day was a gezilleg daag.. Thanks God for it!!^^

nb:Does making the font color into grey put you in fogging atmosphere?=P
Damai Mimpi
Terpancar cahaya..di wajahmu
Lukiskan inginmu
Ajakku kesana ...beri kau senyummu
Sirami...bunga tidurmu

Hanyut relungmu...jiwaku
Terwujud inginku...disudut hatimu
Ragaku terpaku
Taburi...benih cinta

Hanya waktu bisikkan aku
Bawa serta kubermimpi
senyum merekah...indah tersirat
Berpintukan kabut pagi

Saatnya ku ada dalam mimpimu
Kusadari itu terindah darimu
Yang pernah kurasakan

Kini jendela hatimu terbuka
Hembuskan aroma..harum wangi napasmu
Menembus jiwaku selamanya

dedicated for cHiaKi
Kofee Verkeer cap oRang tua?
haaaaaaaaaaaaik!!! Apa kabar dunia? uaheuae... akhiRnya seteLah sekian Lama vakum [well, my last post was on Oct 6th!!] kaRena sibuK mengutaK atiK thesis pLan dan sebagainya... and ditambah fakToR S [SENO -kata tante pauLa-] yaitu nd ada mood ngebLog..hahaha...aneh aneh... buLan ini baKaL seRing seRing apdet waH...^^ TopiK haRi ini adaLah tentang coffee veRkeeR! kopi verkeer sendiri itu berasal dari kata kopi dan verkeer [??] Verkeer itu artinya salah.. jadi, kopi verkeer itu kopi yang salah... Kopi yang teRLaLu banyaK susu itu...kaLo di istiLah dunia perkopian yang laen, mungkin ada yang biLang kopi latte juga...nah semacam itu Lah...

weLL, seteLah sekian Lama diRiku ini beRgeLut dibidang hospitaLity [guaya!!], kaRena baRu kaLi ini mengeRjakan sesuatu yang beRhubungan dengan baR en beveRage...jadi kaLo ada tamu minta kopi saLah, ya tak buatin ae secangkiR kopi -or kadang expresso- dtambah dengan susu panas sampe mbludak... naH, sekarang ini...aKu dapet iLmu baRu dari Patrik -kolega diIndrapura- caRa membuat kopi verkeer baru... 3komponen yang ada yaitu susu, buih susu, n kopi.. Pertama dari susu dingin, buat buih dulu..terus susu mesti dipanasin pwoL... kaLo ud, masukin susu tanpa buih sampe 1/4 or 1/2 geLas jg gpp, abiz itu masukin buih susu...buihnya toK LHo ya... kaLo ud, buat expresso...terus masukin peLan2 ke gelas kopi... ntaR buih susu akan mengikat si hitam peKat [red:kopi] and bakalan membentuk satu lapisan kopi diatas susu...
HasiLnya?? Kopi saLah dengan 3waRna, putih, coklat tua, n coklat muda... biaR jeLas...just Look at this picture...^^

setelah praktek buat ini...Kata patRick... waahh...cantiknya....hahaha... weLL, asiK juga buat kopi salah kaya gini...masalahnya, buat kopi gini butuh waKtu yang rada Lama..kaRena masuKin kopi mesti peLan2...kaLo kondisi restoran Lagi Rame...jangan haRap bisa sempet buat kopi salah gini dengan sempuRna... naH..mengingat, meninjau, dan mempertimbangkan haL teRsebut di atas... kopi saLah ini tak kasi judul kofee veRkeer cap oRang tua [nggawene kudu aLon aLon paK!!=P]... aLon aLon asal keLakon...maar lekker toch?^^ [see the video here]
get cendoL!^^

CendoL!! auehuaea.. cendol aka dawet.... setelah sekian lama nda makan cendoL, akHirnya disini bisa makan cendoL juga...=P ah, diBelanda emang smua makanan Indonesia bisa dicari.. jadi, ceritanya ini gara2 ada 3dwazeg dagen di bijenkorf, pagi2 sekitar jm11an ud jalan kesana bareng Mulfi n Agre.. katanya sih diskon besar2an..tapi tetep aja harganya larang pwoL! weks.. terus setelah sekian lama berputeR puteR, perut lapeR juga wah.. karena bingung mo maem apa..akhirnya diajaklah kita makan di Sie Joe, katanya di sana ada cendoL, ada mie bakso puLa...waahh..lumayan, mumpung cuaca lagi dingin...rada adem maem mie bakso.. uenak pwoL pasti!! euhahuea..akhiRnya kita bertiga jalan ke Sie Joe, tanpa babibu order 3 cendoL... emang rasanya..rasa dawet!! auehuae...

aH...sueger...uaheuae.. saking lapernya, sekali sikat itu dawet langsung abiz waH! emang nggragas iki... [lha wong aus..] akhirnya, karena hasrat minum dawet lebih besar daRipada haus ya otomatis romantis pesen dawet 1 gelas lagi.. uaheuae.. akhirnya mie bakso yang ditunggu2 dateng juga...porsinya lumayan gede waH! jadi mesti rada usaha keras buat ngabisin mie bakso gara2 wes kembung duluan kena dawet..auheae.. eniwei, it was lekkeR man!!^^ selese makan, terus kita jalan ke dam square...disana foto foto sama malaikat pencabut nyawa..lumayan, bayaR 1euRo...ah, tapi i prefer kalo topengnya kaya topengnya scary movie.. ahiaK...T________T

bis jalan2...balik lagi ke Indrapura..kerja mpe malam demi sesuaP nasi...secara makanku ga sesuaP...uahuehuae... [this pic was taken by teguh....ayayayayai!]

to be continued to the next thing...^^

nb:tulisannya sengaja ijo, biar mirip kaya dawet..wkwkkwwk....GBU aLL!!

get the habits and facts! -english version for d get a homework-
hahaha..i think some people won't understand about what i wrote in the previous post, so i decided to rewrite it in English version.. This is the 10habits and facts about me:

1.Im the first son from 2siblings, 8years different.. still like to fight with my sister until my 3rd year of highschool for unreasonable reason...

2.Thing i like the most when i sleep is to hug my guitar.. my guitar is the most victim off falling from the bed when i fight the black mask raider dreaming..^^

3.Bad habit : collecting my unused stuff...

4.Got interest in putting off some electronic stuff with 20% chance to ever putting it on back again..what a clumsy me... aLias name was Paul Soe Bekti, then i was being called "penyoe" for the first time in my 3rd year of junior high school..since then, everybody call me penyu, which meaning is seaturtle..

6.Breaking the record for the slowest making bed exam in the class, 2beds for 14minutes.. the other made it under 10minutes...

7.Been hospitalized twice for blood fever dengue, for the same reason : OVERTIRED! the first one was on my 1st year on senior highschool, the second one was on march 2007, since i was too slim afterward, i took the medicine to gain weight, and suceed to gain 11kg from 57kg to 68kg..

8.Like to watch soccer match especially Man.Utd match..always being an obligatory match to see..hehehe..

9.Cannot see any blood coming from cut finger... me myself had been cut my finger twice.. the first happened with the chicken roasted cutting, the second one with the beef cutting..

10.I like to say something that doesn't have any connection with what other said, joking of course..hahaha...

that's it! the 10 habits and facts of me...for people who wondering what been i've written in the previous post...^^ Have a good day! GOD BLESS YOU!

Get a homewoRk
ha!^^ dapet PR dari Rika! hahaha...ud lama nda dapet PR diblog..actually it is kind of networking game, these are the rules :

1. Each blogger must post these rules
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged and to read your blog.
the homework is, to answer this : 10 facts and habits about Okky Kharisma Hidayat..^^

1.Anak pertama dari 2 bersaudara dengan selisih umur 8tahun, tapi sampe kelas 3sma masih suka berantem ma adek buat alesan yang ga jelas..ehhe... sekarang jg kayanya..ah...^.^"

2.Paling suka peluk gitar waktu tau deh itu gitar ud bocel-bocel jatuh ketendang waktu mimpi brantem sama ksatria baja hitam... -gitarku sayang gitarku malang-

3.Kebiasaan nyusuh barang...barang-barang yang udah nda penting n nda kepake suka disimpen tanpa alasan yang jelas..

4.Tertarik dengan barang2 elektronik rusak buat dibongkar, tapi ga pernah bisa masang balik lagi...well, 80% spesialis bongkar, 20%bongkar-pasang.. uaehuae....

5.Nama samaran pertama kali PSB, alias Paul Soe Bekti kls 1smp, pertama kali dipanggil "penyoe" kelas 3smp, sejak itu selalu dipanggil penyu n mulai suka sama penyu...hehehe.. blog ini [umigame] juga artinya penyu...

6.Memecahkan rekor making bed terlama satu kelas waktu ujian praktek housekeeping semester1 diDhyana Pura, 2 bed dengan total waktu 14menit... -yang laen dibawah 10smua...hahaha..-

7.2x masuk RS diopname karena kena DB, dengan alesan yang sama : KECAPEKAN!=P, yang pertama kelas 1sma, yang kedua awal Maret 2007..setelah itu karena ga bisa gemuk lagi, minum obat gemuk n berhasil menaikkan berat badan dari 57kg ke 68kg.. weks...

8.Suka nonton bola, apalagi kalau yang maen Manchester United, wajib nonton walaupun disiarin live subuh-subuh... -tapi sejak disini ga bisa nonton lagi..T______T-

9.Paling ga bisa kalau liat darah ngucur dari jari yang kepotong....jariku sendiri udah pernah kepotong 2kali..yang pertama karena potong2 daging ayam panas yang baru keluar dari oven [daily worker diGWK], yang kedua potong daging sapi waktu mau bbq IWC 19th..

10.Suka menanggapi omongan orang nd nyambung dengan omongan yang lebih nda nyambung lagi..halah...

Houaheua..ok ok... and for the next 10 people for this home works are adek, oviRa, mas anton, chiaKi, aLef, anastasia, utine, Scott, Ling2, Varenz.. uaheuae.. seLamat mengeRjakan!!^^

new tRip
uaheuae...yesterday i was in visit friends of mine i promised.. so, it was actually fulfilling the promise i've madE...^^ It was planned on Thursday, but with the work schedule, i couldn't make it.. so i went to Eindhoven alone.. weks.. got sleep at 3uur the night befoRe, i went there at 9.12uur.. it took about 1.5hour to reach there and i arrived in Eindhoven arround 10.45uur... actually, i wanted to have a tour in Philips Stadion, but it seemed that it was being cleaned and closed...what a pitty not to be able to come i just took photo in front of the back gate...

It's quite funny that i wore my Manchester United jacket whiLe take a pic in front if PSV Eindhoven stadion!! hahaha... [red:this pic was taken by Gladdy, who called Mr.G.Dongalemba =P]...then we -me n glad- went to media markt coz she wanted to look for speaker and a webcam... and i also looked for some new laptop...hahaha... then we went arround in the centrum..the stupid thing is that i forgot to take some picture of Eindhoven's centrum.. but, i like the centrum here more than amsterdam.. it's more like the kalverstraat but the buildings are not as high as what we have in Amsterdam, and the road is much wider... which means, it doesnt look like that crowd when it comes to crowd...mbulet ah..haueae....

Then another picture i took was in front of the Kerk overthere...i dont know what the name of the curch is, but it's very tall building church.. so Glad had to take her effort to make a nice picture..hheehe..sorry glad.. but still, the church is way too high..or my phone camera which is too small..ahahha...

then i visited beek en donk with bus 21 there...quite a long way as well...arround 30minutes or so... having some rest and some drink we bought in Eindhoven...zoet and droog witte wijn and some snacks..but no meal...sigh.. but that's ok..=P and when the time has come for me to go back, it was freaking cold outside there!! and actually Indri wanted to go to Eindhoven Central as well, but it was too late...becoz the next train will bring me to A.Central iso A.Rai... and also they wont be able to head back to Eindhoven..another poor things that i didnt take any picture with Indri...T_____T So we took a pic from the last halte waiting for the bus21, got cold out there.. umm, i just like this pic, with no other effect, it's a bit blur and yellow..hahah...tevaleg..^^ [Glad, u look like japanese! hahaha...]

and also i've got some other accident -well actually it's not a big deal- that i overslept in the train... i should have overstappen in Utrecht Central to catch the stop trein to Amsterdam Rai..but since i i arrived safely in Amsterdam i had to catch the metro 51 back from A.Central to A.Rai...and biking back to Nierstraat about 7minutes away... ah..what a tiring but nice day... hahha... thanks God for the day...

-to be continued on the next trip...^^-

nb: I also would like to say Selamat Idul Fitri to anyone who celebrate it...^^ Mohon maaf lahir dan batin... God Bless you all!!

new wanted stuff

this is my next stuff to buy! been targeting this gadget since the first time i arrived here...the price was 999euro but i found the one in a shop with 899 euro... 100euro cheaper is a lot man! hahhaha... hope i can afford it within the next couple weeks.. and it is not sold out yet!! just wait for being mine!! [^^]v

some specs are : Intel processor core2duo T550/1.83GHz (dual core), 4G internal memory+320GB ATA 5400rpm harddisk, 128 MB nVidia GeForce 8400M GS video card, monitor 14.1' inches - 2.5kg weight, webcam integral, bluetooth, and windows vista home premium...and include the laptop tas..^^

worth it? i DO hope so...
new missused word by me?
uaheae...blooper? or another stupidity by me? ahh... what a crazy words...

"Excuse me..maybe you want to "CHECK" a look at the dessert menu?" [then i suddenly think...shoot...i'd rather say "TAKE" a look than "CHECK" a look... jaahh....]

"sir, is everything fine here? do you want to have another bitter MELON?" [auyheuhaea...STUUPIIDD!! have you had a drink named bitter melon?? it is bitter LEMON man!!! niet melon...kwkwkw... i think i've got depressed by those king... ckckkc... (-.- )( -.-)
new haiR
aahhh..finally, i cut my hair for the first time here... it was quite strange here.. i had been tried to lengthen my hair here but it seemed that it took longer time than when i was in Indonesia... Could it be caused by the different weather? I wonder..hahaha.. anyway this picture was taken couple days before i cut my hair, with Andrew... He looks like the first brother in Shaolin soccer... does he?=P
and this is the picture from Shaolin soccer...take a look... or he is the one who played in the movie?? what a coincidence....XD...~~uaheuae...quite same, eh?^^
and the happening moment was when i went early on a day to take a look at the laptop i really want and arrived in Indrapura too early (arround 3 uur or so) then i remembered Tante Paula told me to have a hair cut in China Town named Trendy.. how much i had to pay? 13 euRo... so if it's changed into rupiah, it was arround 156k.. How much i used to pay in Bali? arround 15k.. [1.5euro!!] hahaha... what a big different... ahh, anyway, this is my new picture...

uaheuae...kind of narcism of me now...auehuaea... much more better than the old one isnt it?? i just couldnt take anymore mess with my hair... lost my patience....uahehuae..i think i've waited too long...3months and only grew that long...gosh... wesss wes... reseeeh maannnn!! [kata tante linda...wkwkwkkwkw]

well...that's all foLks! thanks for dropping by... GOd Bless you!!! (",)

new message received
"U Like a STAR FAR to SEE, so CLOSE in my HEART... I dont care how FAR u are...becoz..Love is always Love..never betrayed, always together..GBu un..^^"
new stupidity -it's a must!-
on the way home from indrapura to nierstraat, heavy rain was outside, we were on the tram4..
okky : gila..strippen card kok abiz cm buat naek tram n metro doank...
joko : ooo gobLok koen!
both: hauehuaea....

nb: strippen card disini emang dipake buat naek tram n metro...^^
new picture

Niersstraat family..once again took picture in the warm living room..^^ from left side, me, joko, agre, teguh, alit, elik, and sitting in the front were marsella and mulfi.. anyway, those twin boys teguh and elik had just cut their hair each other...i supposed to be botak as well, but i want to lengthen my hair here... hahaha... for anton, your jacket was fenomenal! everybody agreed it as a very good jacket..^^

happy birthday anyway for Joko [2/9], Agre [6/9], and Elik [10/9], all the best for you guys! we have still 10 or so more months here.. looking forward to what will happen here..hahaha...
new star

Well after a long speculation, the new star had finally arrived in Old Trafford, he is Dimitar Berbatov -27 y.o-, and he will wear #9 replacing Louis Saha who now join Everton. Upon becoming a United player, Dimitar told "Joining Manchester United is a dream come true for me. I look forward to playing my part in helping this club win more honours in the years to come." He also added that trophies means more to him than money.
The new star has arrived... Will they aim for another treble winners this year?
Glory Glory Man United!!
a Little biT of CandiD cameRa -ngupiL-
SmiLe! u'Re on candid cameRa!! who has neveR heaRd those pHRase? hohoho..wHiLe this time is about me...
I was waiting on the station from sloterdijk to Rai...afteR taking caRe the IND stuff with the nieRsstraat famiLy...hahaha.. teguh goT me shot -weLL i didnt reaLize-, buT it seems reaL.. hahha..actually i posed Like this by puRpose... usuaL of me... cRazy pose of mine wiLL neveR dissapeaRed... -LiKe some said so...^^- name is okky..buT on my woRk RosteR said okki... then today I opened my friendster comment fRom Nova said... "HaLoo o-ka-ka-ye!!..." hahahha... yes, it's OKAKAYE!! -oKKy-
aH...gotta woRk...betteR pRepare eveRything fiRsT... tHanks foR dRopping by!! GOd BLESs you!!^^
a LittLe biT of Asian Party
Asian Party@escapE! wew...hahha... that was my 2nd time dugem here in Netherland, the first was on the farewell party in Grou... aH, maLes nulis pake bahasa inggRis...huhuhuhu...=P lagian ud dibelain nuLis pake b.inggRis juga ad sense-nya ga di approve muLu..capeee deee... So, sebulan sebeLum ada event ini, anak2 stagiaire dari seluruh penjuru beLanda ud pada buaT rencana mau pada dateng...tapi d-day jg cm bebeRapa gelintir orang aja yg dateng..huhhuhu... They weRe siska, veli, edison, gladdy, melisa, elizabeth, vina, gerry, and yanuaR..[see picture] en ada beberapa temen daRi Luar kota..aLz-eLz, adRieL, dkk..ada Robby segala.. termasuk aku lah...[hah? how come i didnt take sum pic of them and mine?!?] -even actually i didnt really want to go, but as a hosT [halah guaya koen!] mewakili nieRstraat famiLy Lah..uaheuhae...- jadi totaL dari anaK stagiaire ada 10 orang toK... wesss wess...ojo geLem podo aE kaLo kata tanTe Linda...ahuehuae... weLL, yang namanya Asian paRty...busett...banyaK oRang asia bejubeL man!! yaa iyaaa Laaahh...kaLo banyaK oRang utannya juga bingung gw ntaR... uaheuae... ngemenK epe mode : oN =.= hauehuae... back to the topic...Tapi, menuRut pendapat temen - temen dari Surabaya, dugem dyaisini ga seenaK dugem di Surabaya...bebeRapa aLesan yaitu :
  1. BayaR paKe euRo, jadi mahaL paK! TikeT boxnya 13euRo... [kuRang ajaR, aKu diboongi teRnyata, kemaren dibiLang cm 10peRak doank...oncom....] haRga minuman smua pake euRo.. [==> ini geLeK oR apa se? hauehuae]

  2. Kendala teknis [katanya...] yaitu bahasa..uaheuae..jadi kaLo mo nyampeRin oRang mesTi miKiR mau ngomong pake bahasa Indo, InggRis, beLanda, cina, ato bahkan basa Jawa...sapa tau asLi tegaL...ngeten...

  3. komeRsiL! mosoK mau pipis aja kudu bayaR..Lha kaLo dipom bensin Indo itu 500 rupiah jg gpp..disini 50cent... Hah? Rp.7000?? wkwkw...pipis gw aja dihargain segitu... buseT daH...siipp siippp! [^^]v

  4. [berdasarkan pengakuan edison n yanuaR] puLang dR escapE ujan mengguyuR kota amsteRdam...kaLo disuRabaya puLang ujan bisa naek mobiL, disini puLang naeK sepeda n jalan kaki ke centRal station back to den haag...auheuae... [numpaK taxi kan bisa paK...auheuahe]
wess weeess....yang pasti begitu masuk escape, permuLaan acaRa ae ud bikin iLfiL...ada orang cina yang nd jelas "ow ow siapa dia" itu nyanyi lagu yang nd jelas juga menuRut cara dengaR kuping Indonesia... hehehe..eniwei...asian party kemaren lumayan juga untuk meLepas penat otaK setelah hampiR 2minggu kerja tanpa bReaK... [ini bukan rekomendasi!!] yahh...begituLah amsteRdam...aLteRnatif hibuRan hanya dugeM.. kaLo aKu? cuKup caRi hp n teLpon si dia nunjauh disana...oR ma famiLy and ma beLoved fRiend... hahha...gaya!!^^
a Little biT of me, myself and God's been a while for me to post sumthing about my life..well actually the no pain no gain was exceptional..^^ weLL after the first salary has made me worry about anything... once again i should be ashamed of my self by Mike's word to me... Here, im a stagiaire.. so, i have to learn anything..include the one called integrity...
even God told me so via the history makers diary i use as my daily bread, on August 6th, was
"OBEDIENCE, NOT SACRIFICE", one of the sentence was "God is not interested in how much we can do for Him, but how much we obey Him -in all things" that was knocking me out properly... while the next 2 days was telling me to turn my fears and worries over to God [Learn to trust the ONE who is in control of everything], the next day's inspirational quotes came from George Mueller....

"Faith ends when worry begins, and worry ends when faith begins"

Do i have to worry? definitely noT!! sometimes i just have a lil jealousy to my other friends who get more than i do...but then God told me...and even Teguh said something i've never expected before..GIVE THANKS to God.. haha..he is sure a good person...

Last night was about the spirit of a champion...and i will seek for "the crown that will last forever" for i will keep my eyes on the a champion...

Thanks God...I know who i am..i am Yours....
a LittLe biT of smiLe..some words...^^

"A smiLe is the tRue sign of Happines...iT cannot be obtained aLone.."

Fairy TaiL,chp#72 -Hiro Mashima

a LittLe biT of No paiN no Gain...
no pain no gain...hohoho..that is the phrase that everybody know... wHat about those one? I experienced it once again last sunday...^^
So..the story begun when i went to Hoofdorp early in the morning... the previous day, i arrived home at about 1 o'clock..then i was trying to sleep so the next morning i could wake up freshly... and I did! about 6o'clock in the morning...the first pain was... after taking a was very2 coLd!!! T___________T and then the 2nd pain followed right away.. It was 6.35 already!!!! my train supposed to be at 6.41... realize that i was too late..i took a nice cup of chocolate and ate a little piece of bread for my breakfast...then i thought to have the next train..set you go! I went to RAI with my bike and then the 3rd pain...It was very windy morning!! yeaaaaaP! just like the night i almost died in GVL ...and i had to take even longer way to RAI than from those edr to my cabin...wew...
than i noticed that it was Sunday!! and even the schedule were different.. no train on Sunday goes in 6.41 or 6.56!! omg!! Lucky me...the sprinter [the new model of train] was going to schiphol from RAI and also going to Hoofdorp..there was also bad things happened to me and i wont talk about this crap... So, i arrived in hoofdorp safely...the time was arround 7.25...think that i could catch the church since edison told me the church was at 7-9...
That was also the first time for me to go to hoofdorp with the bike on me and looking for the church i was going to go with the police station as the only clue!! so..the pain continued... I was lost!! hhahaha..such a fool boy who bike over Hoofdorp at 7.30 in the morning...where everybody else still felt a sleep but the people who took a walk with their dog!! and after sum trial and erroR...i found the right way...and guess what? 5th pain!! the church was closed!! so it was not 7-9 but 10-12..holy gosh!!
what a long journey ended to nothing... the spirit burnt me before was dimmed i looked up high and fiuh...God...wHat is this all about... then i decided to go homE...with some more pain...I get caught since i didnt buy the ticket for my bike...i was dropped in schiphol to buy the ticket for my bike, or else i had to pay the fine for 35euro!! auheuhaueae..... that were all the pain....but...can u imagine all the things happened to me all in sudden??

the gain??
I know now the exact way to go to the church!! and i know now that it is better to not bring ur bike to the train since it costs u 6euRo..even more expensive than my ticket which was only 3.4euro....weks...

and also I gained some recharges since i was able to see the priest from TV... to thank God everyday...and when som1 ask you... how are u today? i can answer... ow,,,it's been raining!!^^ then he says...what are u talking about?? it's sunny outside....!! "ow, u are talking about the talking about my bless!!^^ pain no gain!! how bout you? how are u today??^^

for my friends Arnold and Ical in Oosterhout, Gladdy in beek en donk, Siska and Anita in Heerenven, Yanuar and Fenny in Seinpost, Faby and Hadi in Enschede, Icha, all the Nierstraat family, and also my others friends who face the same problem with ur progress scattered in Amsterdam, Groningen, Hilversum, Laaren, Castricum, Roosendal, Drachten, Breda, Soesterbeg, Uden, and other place here in pain no gain guys!^^ I know that life is hard..keep thanking to Him...^^

a Little biT oF Gay paRade^^

hauehuae...Last saturday was the day for all uncommon things i'll neveR find in Indonesia... The Gay PaRadE!!!
this pictuRe was taken in Prinsegracht where the canal parade took place.. it was very2 crowd with the male n female gay..and also with the tourist curious for such an event like this... from the other picture we can see the canal parade where every boat had its attractive way of course to attract peopLe... what else should had been attracted? it had already attracted!! wkwkwkw...

I had no comment on this picture, coz it looked like they had fun..well of course they did! the funny things was when Andrew complained about this event, "It's loves woman..normal right? but look at loves man..and woman loves woman..aaahh..crazy...!!" than Michael was easily replying him.. "hey,they're having fun!"

hahaha......took sum time for me to laugh secretly behind andrew's back...

wHat eLse can we say? they'Re just pRoud to be visibLe^^ this boat has those words with the big sun picture as the ornament....
i couLdn't see what is the other words on the other side...since it was too crowded..and im just a small boy...comparing with the other vieweRs...hahahha....

This is the other boat i could take the picture of...they sang the YMCA song....pretty funny..
this party was then continue to some other place..while in front of Indrapura was another party...last until 00:00... then Michael once again asked me..."when wiLL u see such a thing like this in Indonesia?" I just then laughed.. at home... Marsella told me that her bos asked them [she and teguh] to be an EO for organizing some gay party like this...
if only i knew this earlieR...i will answer michael's question..."as soon as my friend open the EO foR them!!"^^
Lullaby's Poem for an angeL -some miracles-

Gisteren was je zo vrolijk,
vandaag lach je ook weer olijk.
Maar morgen brengt weer zijn zorgen,
ja,zelfs ook nog overmorgen.
wordt het een week vol van drigen?
Wordth het een maand van seringen?

Seconden, minuten, uren, dagen :
het is vergeefs rijkdom na te jagen.
Weken en maanden, jaren en jaren:
beter is het wijsheid te vergaren.

Slaap mijn leifje,
sluimet in God's handen,
laat je vredeslichtje
altijd branden

-You were happy yesterday...even today you were laughing so... But tomorrow will have its difficulty...even the day after tomorrow so..-
-will this week be busy? will this month be masky?-'s useless to look after richness-
-weeks..months...and's better to look after wisdom-

-sleep well my darling..sweet in God's hand...let your light of peace glows-
Famous famous person...a miracle,,
The strong one doesn't win... The one that wins is strong... -The Emperor, Franz Beckenbauer-

The only person who can miss a kick from the penalty mark, is a person who has enough courage the kick one.. -Roberto Baggio, Italy-

Pretty some words for me...

I just..miss home..wanting to win these I can be strong...
suRpRising!! This is how peopLe appreciate on what we wRite and what we think with our writing...^^ the award!! i've got this award from adek...^^ actually it's been a while that we made some contact since she was very busy -in my opinion- then i went to check her blog and found that i really got the award.,,ahahaha...^^ thanks for d award dek! keep blogging and sharing some new..^^ this is the award...

and this is the rule...:

1) Put the logo on your blog.
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4) Add links to those blogs on yours.
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

and with this award, i want to give my appreciation to them whose blog inspired me much and made me think outside the box.. thanks for everything.. they are..
  1. cen-cen's, thank you for "following me" here...^^ Looking forward to meet you again one day....Take caRe n GBu!!
  2. adek's, i award you back!! ahahaha...actually if i've got this award from sum1 else...i'll still give this award to you...^^
  3. mas anton's, lancar-lancar bisnisnya pak de! sayang aku ga bisa ikut reuni..salam buat anak2 ya....
  4. scott mcLean's, Love is foreveR scott!! you ensured me of it! hope to see you one day...take caRe n GBu^^
  5. vaRenZ's, weLcome to blog woRLd my friend...^^ GBu!
  6. pineappLe's, the jaZZ of Praise....aLL foR HIS gLory ya...^^
  7. Zsa's, although we dont know each other, sum of ur writings reflect me to my childhood memories..^^ take care n GBu...^^
that's for the award i could give coz it is limited for 7 blogs all my are precious to my msn shout says "minna no okage...boku ga hitoRi daKe janai...." thanks a lot paLs!! God Bless you aLL!!
d miRacLe oF PATHE!
pathe! what is pathe! ? actually...i dont really know about PATHE!'s just cinema! aka Bioskop gitu Lho..wkwkkww.. so it's likE gallery21 or so.. but they have a certain just pay about 19-20Euro per month then we can just go to pathe! to watch all of the movie...and if you get the can watch the movie,for pathe! of i know that there is one in Amsterdam and one in Belmer...but the one i went for today was in Amsterdam..since im not member yet, i paid 6.5euro for the movie... not bad...since the my own opinion....hohoho...

the tickeT box from the can also see what movie you want to watch on the big screen...
the auto teller machine...

the caFe downstairs...there is one upstair to sell popcorn and stuff like that...^^

u've got also free playstation3 n psp station for killing time waiting the movie...hohoo...

ini pose bareng si kungfu panda....hayah...wkkwkw...^^

Last but not Least...the theatRe!!! [got it from the site] hohoh..pretty big screen..isnt it?

actually...the movie i watched was HANCOCK...nice movie anyway...hahaha..but im not going to review the movie here...i think..hahaha...^^