koLaboRasi naga bonaR en boneKa penyoE...

weLL...naga bonaR [my laptop's name =P] has been being accompanied by a new cute sea turtle doll...he won't be alone anymore..hahaha....^^ a good collaboration by the color of the naga bonarwith the calm color of those cute little doll... [Agre gave this doll for me in Guetersloh Kerstmarkt..]

Anyway...A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009 for you all... hope this coming year will bring us to our better state in our life...^^
God Bless you all!!
2 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    lucu banget laptopnya. unik coraknya.

  2. -oKKy- Says:

    @k.Fanny: uaheae..makanya ngebet banget.. apaLagi ada penyoenya..^^