a Little biT oF Gay paRade^^

hauehuae...Last saturday was the day for all uncommon things i'll neveR find in Indonesia... The Gay PaRadE!!!
this pictuRe was taken in Prinsegracht where the canal parade took place.. it was very2 crowd with the male n female gay..and also with the tourist curious for such an event like this... from the other picture we can see the canal parade where every boat had its attractive way of course to attract peopLe... what else should had been attracted? it had already attracted!! wkwkwkw...

I had no comment on this picture, coz it looked like they had fun..well of course they did! the funny things was when Andrew complained about this event, "It's cRazy..man loves woman..normal right? but look at them..man loves man..and woman loves woman..aaahh..crazy...!!" than Michael was easily replying him.. "hey,they're having fun!"

hahaha......took sum time for me to laugh secretly behind andrew's back...

wHat eLse can we say? they'Re just pRoud to be visibLe^^ this boat has those words with the big sun picture as the ornament....
i couLdn't see what is the other words on the other side...since it was too crowded..and im just a small boy...comparing with the other vieweRs...hahahha....

This is the other boat i could take the picture of...they sang the YMCA song....pretty funny..
this party was then continue to some other place..while in front of Indrapura was another party...last until 00:00... then Michael once again asked me..."when wiLL u see such a thing like this in Indonesia?" I just then laughed.. at home... Marsella told me that her bos asked them [she and teguh] to be an EO for organizing some gay party like this...
if only i knew this earlieR...i will answer michael's question..."as soon as my friend open the EO foR them!!"^^
5 Responses
  1. Ririn.Cen Says:

    Ky, maksudnya gay parade ni.. apa si.. Intinya?

  2. -oKKy- Says:

    wooo...jadi gini cen...diamsterdam itu setaon sekali,tiap summer mostly on weekend..ada gay parade kaya gini..mereka naek boat di kanaL2...trus nari2,pake kostum2 aneh...gitu Lho..itu kaya... Hari Raya Gay...gitu..^^ nah..taon ini tu kemaren sabtu itu...gitu...hehehe...mudeng?^^

  3. Ririn.Cen Says:

    Lohh...brarti mreka mengakui Gay itu ada gitu ?? Hmmm ..

  4. Deni Widodo Says:

    hi, aku seorang gay, tinggal di jakarta.
    aku kerja di LSM yang bergerak di bidang stop AIDS untuk kalangan gay.
    Kalo berkenan, bolehlah okky mengirim berita-berita masalah gay di Belanda dan sekitarnya. (Pake bahasa Indo atau english ya :) ).
    Hubungi aku di deni_intermedika@yahoo.com

    salam kenal.


    PS. I love your page theme, buat sendiri?

  5. -oKKy- Says:

    masalah gay di belanda dan sekitarnya y..hmm... ntar dicoba d...^^