Woasee!! That wud be the most peopLe heRe shout when tHeRe is sumthing inteResting oR they found sometHing cRazy... Maybe it wud be most Like "geez!" or "Magudness!" oR whateveR you want to shout...^^

WOAAASEEEEE!!! Now even I'm shouting for maseLf..no, my woase heRe means "What d Heck!" even duRing my day off..I stiLL need to do some papeR woRk...now I reaLLy hope that i've got 25houRs a day... and 8days a weeK..

Then I read the booK by Randy P, says that compLaining onLy decreases your effectiveness and efficiency woRk..

If you use 10% of the eneRgy to woRk haRdeR...you'LL gain even 33% moRe of effective and efficiency woRk's ResuLt..
So i wiLL just focus doing this papeR woRk..

"Many of the afflictions of the righteous..But The
LORD deLiveReth him out of them aLL..."

So in this post is my picture with ma staff...Looks Like i reaLLy got thinneR...T___________T but once again..WOAASEEEEEE!!!!^^

2 Responses
  1. Miawruu Says:

    nyahahahahha... ky, keliatan banget ndutnya hahahahaha *kabur sebelum ditimpuk ama beton*

  2. -oKKy- Says:

    @kucing : buset..ga Kuat aye nimpuK ente paKe beton..beRat cing!^^