a little bit nar, a little bit sis

yeaP! I had a new suit now.. haha..at least I bought with my own earn. Anyhow, this suit I bought was a tailor-made Jeremy told me and it was pretty much well done. Since I don't really go to tailor when I was in Indonesia, I sometimes deny its quality.. but this one was very good and cheap. My suit was only RMB400 includes the material and trousers as well..[around IDR 600k]. And this picture was taken on the last Jeremy's working day..


and after I made those suit, I just can't help my self to make another coat for me.. I've been hunting this kind of coat before, but always didn't have enough time to go and make one. The last time i went to the other tailor, they were all closed for the Chinese New Year.. So now I just make one for me.. Check it out dah..

[model kamar mandi]

well...i think this time..is just a bit of nar and sis for me.. hahaha..

ps.I get this title inspiration from Bali Laguna's Ipod..one of the song's title was a little bit dang-a little bit dut..=D

surat lamaran kerja
Pagi ini saya dapat email dari HHRMA-Bali, secara memang saya member di milis info bursa kerja Bali itu.. Biasanya email yang saya dapat ini email tentang info lowongan kerja, seputar hotel baru, agen keluar negeri, dsb dsb.. Nah email yang saya dapat ini email copas dari milis tetangga [konon kabarnya], berhubung menarik, jadi saya share juga lah disini.. ok, cekidot bok...

Ini tentang surat lamaran kerja yang...ehem...baca saja sendiri laah..

Berikut adalah beberapa contoh surat lamaran kerja yg sebaiknya tidak dipake apabila anda melamar kerja..

:"Dgn Hrmt.
ttrk dgn ikl lwg krj yg dmt pd srt kbr edisi sls , sy brmskd mengisi lwg yg bpk bthkn , dri thn 1999 - 2004 , sy tlh bkj di aptk km farma , di bag cln srv. dri thn 2004-2005 , sy bkj di LC bank sbg kabag keu. dri thn 2005- smp skrg jd tkg pkr di BI"

:"Sebagai bahan pertimbangan bapak , bersama ini saya sertakan :
a. Fotokopi Surat nikah yang telah dilegalisir oleh Kantor Urusan Agama
b. Fotokopi KTP bapak saya yang masih berlaku
b. Pas foto saya waktu disunat di usia 9 tahun
c. Surat kelakuan baik seluruh keluarga saya
d. Bon hutang selama 1 tahun
e. Proposal permintaan sumbangan pembangunan mesjid di Rt saya yang telah ditandatangani oleh sekretaris lurah

:"Eit dibaca juga nih surat lamaran ekee!!!! Halo Sob, secara ada lowongan di kantor u, mau dong ekee ngelamar di sama. Udah lama banget niy nganggur, aduh bok capee deeehhh!!!! Btw bro apa kabar nich.....? Baik baik aja dong , ya iya lah, masa ya iya dong . Bener kan, bener dong....? Iya kan kek kok dong deh...saya mo ngelamar kerja nich..boleh dong...please. ..boleh ya...? Serius boleh? Sumpe lo? Kalo gitu... TOSS!!!"

:"Hey Boss, asal lu tau aja ya, gue pernah kerja di kantor bokap, tapi lantaran gue sering berantem sama sering ngegodain sekertaris kantor, gue dikeluarin. Setan banget deehhh!!!! Makanya sekarang gue ngelamar kerja di kantor elo. Lo ga usah takut soal jabatan deh. Gue ga peduli sama jabatan! Yang penting gue bisa dapet kerja ringan tapi dibayar gede sama elo. Ok deh!! gue tunggu panggilan kerja dari elo di rumah gue, kalo sampe tiga hari belom juga ada panggilan, elo bakal tau sendiri akibatnya... .!!!!!!!"

:"Dengan hormat ,
Hai apa kabar nih...? Baik baik aja kan ...? Saya juga ketika menulis surat ini dalam keadaan sehat wal afiat. Semoga kamu juga baik baik aja seperti saya disini. Ngomong ngomong gimana kabar anak anak, sehat kan ..? Ga mau nambah lagi nih anaknya? Istri kamu pasti makin cantik aja.....salam aja ya buat mereka. Oya ..hampir lupa, saya bermaksud melamar pekerjaan pada perusahaan kamu bisa kan ...? Pasti bisa dong, kamu kan orangnya baik hati, ramah tamah, tidak sombong dan gemar menabung.

:"Salam sejahtera,
Setelah saya membaca iklan lowongan pekerjaan di surat kabar ternama di ibukota yang oplagnya 3 juta exemplar per harinya , saya sangat tertarik sekali dengan iklan yang anda muat di halaman 16, kolom 6 seperti pada lampiran surat lamaran saya ini. Setelah berunding dengan berbagai pihak, baik itu keluarga dekat, keluarga jauh, tetangga dan unsur-unsur masyarakat lainnya, saya memutuskan atau berkehendak atau bermaksud untuk melamar pekerjaan tersebut. Yang mana dan juga sekalian daripada harapan saya, dengan surat lamaran ini kita bisa mempererat tali silaturahmi antara kita berdua. Bukankah dalam agama pun, baik itu quran ataupun hadits Nabi, telah diterangkan betapa pentingnya arti sebuah silaturahmi.

7."VERSI 4L4Y"
D3n6an holmat,
Cet3l4h caia m3mbac4 1klan lowon6an pekelj4an di culat k4bal t3lnama di
ibookota , sai4 can6at t3rt4r1k den64n iklan ian6 4nda moo4t dicitu. oleh
kal3n4 itoo c4ia b3lmakcoot oontook m3lam4l pek3ljaan telceboot dan cooga
cekalian halapan caia , denkan coolat lamalan ini kita bica mempelelat tali
cilatoolahmi antala kita beldooa , bookankah dalam agama poon telah
ditelankkan betapa pentinknia alti cebooah cilatoolahmi. , sai4 toonggoo di hums"

8.versi Basa Inggris.
Hello, how are you, I hope you are fine. Today is Monday, and tomorrow is Tuesday. My name is agan cendol and I am 23 years old. I live in a country next door to Mal***shit and I am young and energetic.
I am reading your company is opening job in newspaper Pertamax and I am interested to propose (maskud ane nglamar, moga-moga bener, piss deh gan) your job.
if you like me to work your job you can call me anytime. OK?

Ok then, thank you for reading my letter, Don't forget loh.. please call call to me. I hope to see you and if you have time drop bye - drop bye (mampir-mampir maksudnya gan...) ya?. bye..byee...

semoga lumayan menghibur lah.. setidaknya saya juga -ngguyu dewe mesam mesem- setelah baca email ini...

they are
hi all! well, this week was apparently being a busy week for me...umm, i mean, the restaurant was so busy that I have been away from posting something.. anyway, this past week..i have encountered some crazy funny guests around the restaurant. Ja well..when you are in FB field, you must know what i mean.. ok, let's get some reminding..

Rowell (my bartender) suddenly came up to me laughing...he said the guest are joking with him...
G: Do you have moet en chandon?
R: Of course we have. We have rose and brut as well sir..
G: OK, i took one coconut juice..
R: HA?
-haha..this is a typical me guest, i have to admit, i did it some several times =D-

[this was just happening yesterday]
G: Xiansheng...Could you give me..eeee...cocktail menu?? We would like to order eeerrr.. jio ying liao... [alcoholic drinks]
O: Ow oke..i'll get it for you...
-after some minutes they discussed and finally waved at me-
G: Soo we want to have...eerrr... Vanilla milkshakes and banana milkshakes..
O: Ahaha, OK, mei guan shi [no problem]
-well, our restaurant cocktail list is together with the drink list-

Mr.Frank's matter, a sofa seat #13 which is only for 4 persons, the guest insisted to have it while they were 6persons...
F: FU*K! Okky, this is Chinese you know? so difficult to handle! SH*T! Me also!
O: ahahah...easy siR! I know..you are chinese..hahaha...

-Fresh from the oven, just happened today, The guest are having lunch inside the balcony-
G: Zhe li ge bu ge yi chou yan? -Can i smoke here?-
O: Bu hao ishe, zhe li bu ge yi -Im sorry, but you can't-
G: Oooo..wa mian ma? -ooo..how about outside?-
O: [smiling] Of course sir..

well well well... this is just some conversation in between.. maybe..that's why I like this FB field..If you think that guest are funny...yes they are!
pada mimpi semua tampak indah
sayang hanya pada mimpi
tapi aku akan terus bermimpi
karena pada mimpi
semua tampak indah
hanya pada mimpi...

a pray
Good God..
I know that You can Raise me up
Remind me that You do really care about me
in either small or big matters in my Life
Thank You that You care enough
to put me through this..where you have put me into this
and to accomplish inside my life
what You Have planned me for
and what You Have created me for
in the name of Jesus


what the fork
errr...saya baru saja dibentak oleh staff saya... ato dimaki ya? well..saya juga kurang mengerti.. Tapi begini kronologisnya.. Malam tadi restauran sangat sibuk. Otomatis tensi kerja juga meningkat. Disela mengambil makanan dari pantry, terjadilah sebuah dialog aneh...

L: Oh..Im sorry... (while blushing)
O: Aiiyaaaa...what the *%(@(#I!!!

Lagi-lagi masalah komunikasi menjadi topik hangat belakangan ini... Susah juga kalau tidak sepaham dan sealiran dalam berbahasa.. Satu aliran saja masih banyak salah tafsir...apalagi beda gini ya.. Hahha..mungkin ini yang dinamakan crossed culture.. atau....budeg ya? ah...silahkeun berpendapat sendiri lah..^^
some interesting fact I've found about my restaurant manager, Mr.Frank.. He is really man..well, he doesn't look so brilliant at first..but the more time I spent to talk to him..the more interesting things I've figured it out.. Just like yesterday he told me the fact about news..

F: Ni zhi dao ma wei shen me ta men shuo NEWS? [do you know why they call it NEWS?]
O: umm..bu zhi dao.. Wei shen me? [I don't know...why?]
F: Ni zhi dao Dong Nan Shi Bei ma? [Do you know Dong Nan Shi Bei?]
O: Wo zhi dao ya.. [I know..]
F: NEWS he Dong Nan Shi Bei shi yang.. N shi North, E shi East, W shi West, S shi South.. Zhong dong nan shi bei..cheng wei yi qi shuo NEWS..dong le ma? [News and Dong Nan Shi Bei is the same. N is North, E is East, W is West, S is South...and it becomes 1 as NEWS...do you understand?]
O: Wow..you're right.. Hahaha..interesting!

another thing was..even he looks like an old fashion guy..He's music taste is good.. all in his nokia express music's music are western...mostly jazz and blues..His favorite is Me and Mrs.Jones... which when he sings it, it sounds like 'Me and Mrs.Jung' =D

anyway, he's been doing 14years in Food and Beverage and Hospitality industry..and he knows a lot... well...a good catch up to begin with is by working with such a guy like this...^^

ah..this night just won't stop snowing...I better go sleep now...Wan an!
On a Chinese Restaurant after finishing work one day...

J:Hey, do you want to eat?
O:I think the question is...what do you want to eat...
J:Oh, yeah..you are right.. Are you hungry?
O: Yeah..I'm hungry..
J: Hahahaha...
O: Why are you laughing?
J: You are funny.. You are always hungry...
O: (-.- )! Oke, so it's funny to be hungry...

After ordering the food...

O: Hey J, is this noodle made from rice? I mean..the one you told me...a rice noodle?
J: Oh, this? No..this one is made from wheat..
O: WHAT? WEED? What the...
J: Yes.. wheat.. You don't know wheat? W-H-E-A-T.. it's like a barley...for the beer...
O: Oh..you said wheat.. You pronounce it like weed...
J:What is weed?
O: Eh? You don't know weed? It's like a leave..dry one.. you smoke it..mostly with tobacco...
J: Ah..so it's weed..but this noodle is from wheat..not weed...
O: I know..(-.- )!

close and far
a thousand smile...from a thousand mile away...

a thousand mile away...with a thousand smile...

preman i'm in love
Jum Jum..aKu iKi tResno
Tapi aKu pReman
Opo kowe geLem?

note: Iseng buat waktu saya lihat blog Ekspresi Puisi Cinta Satu Bait si aLiaz Blog..
cover (Lagi)
just tRying to share something.. -weLL i know the singeR's voice is a bit bad- buT tRy to undeRstand the lyRic...nice music as weLL... This song is fRom Israel Houghton... I have aLready posted the LyRic in February's post...

Just...ChecK it ouT...hoPe you wiLL LiKe it...^^ God bLess you aLL!!

-well you may pause the 'Kingdom Heart' music first in the bottom page to listen to it^^-
[click here if the video didn't work]
Hoho..NI HAO MA???? Greeting from Raining Shanghai at 2.38AM... It is March already! 4months after I Left Indonesia...well I just busy with -as usual- work... and have pretty much no life here.. But today I get an FB message from Royal Rock Ministry...

It's about Leadership and Talent.. It is on the 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork -which is I'm about to look for now- Anyhow, some people believe that talent or talent with expeRiences is enough to build strong leadership and teamwork..But the author Denis Waitleys says..

"The winner's edge is not in the gifted birth, in a high IQ, or in taLent. The winneR's edge is all in the attitude, not uptitude. Attitude is the criteRion of success"

Yeah! I admit it! The same thing goes now in the place I woRk.. many has been woRking theRe foR too Long so tHey foRget to keep a good attitudE.. I'd RatHeR to have an inexperience one with a good attitude tHan have a veRy weLL expeRienced staFF with a veRy weLL bad attitude..
(-- )( --)(-- )( --)...

and here goes the best part... AbiLites +Attitudes = ResuLt
  • GReat taLent + Rotten attitudes = Bad Team
  • GReat taLent + bad attitudes = aveRage Team
  • GReat taLent + aveRage attitudes = Good Team
  • GReat taLent + good attitudes = GReat Team
If you'd tHinK about 'How about a so-so taLent, oR 'a not taLented one Like me', you'd betteR taKe a LooK at my abc's in Life the U part.. don't undeRestimate youR own taLent..

So..iF you want a gReat ResuLt, you need a good peopLe witH gReat taLent and awesome attitudE...

-i wondeR when i wiLL havE my gReat team..aH,i betteR staRt fRom my seLf fiRst-