close and far
a thousand smile...from a thousand mile away...

a thousand mile away...with a thousand smile...

8 Responses
  1. TS Frima Says:

    have a nice weekend :)

  2. kebookyut Says:

    fedora...... mau....

    artinya bukannya sama y kak??? kok dibolak-balik gitu??

  3. Hahahaa, love that easy going style! (bener ga ya namanya?)
    Aku kuliah di Limkokwing, Malaysia. Okky sendiri di mana? China ya?

  4. -oKKy- Says:

    @Ra-Kun: sami sami pak dE raKun...^^
    @kebo: uhoho..penekanannya aja yang beda bo.. km ngebo muLu sih..=D
    @sheLLa: waduH..i pRefeR caLL it.. penyoestyLe^^ yaP, saya di Shanghai sheLL...^^

  5. Anonymous Says:

    Hahaha..kayanya ini lebih cocok ikutan lomba puisi deh daripada si preman im in love...

  6. fanny Says:

    he he he tuh fotonya oke deh. gaya oiii...

  7. Citoet Says:

    Like Thiss!!!

  8. Anonymous Says:

    Like Thiss!!!!