The moRe we tRaveL, tHe moRe we see and appReciate tHe vaRiety...fRom Asia to AfRica..From Latin America to the middLe East, and fRom euRope to NoRth AmeRica.. and with the ceLebRation of diveRsity comes the ReaLisation tHat human Have moRe in common tHan its obvious..
we aLL cRy, Laugh, eaT, woRRy, and diE...we aRe aLL toucHed by music, we cheeR foR tHose wHo figHt as a team and we aLL seek happiness.. tHe dReams may diffeR..but we aLL dReam... tHe HoPes may be vaRy...but we aLL Hope.. we may haVe diFFeRent beLieF..but we aLL beLieve...

so we aRe not, afteR aLL, a meLting pot..but a beautifuL,muLti faceted mozaic oF dReams, hoPes, and yeaRnings...

taken from an article in Singapore Airlines in-fLight magazine

2 Responses
  1. mishbah Says:

    tapi ya, kita keliling Indonesia pun sudah sangat menambah wawasan lho...

    soalnya di Indoensia aja tuh masih banyak bener hal-hal istimewa yang ga ada di tempat lain.. wuidiiiihhhh...... mantep daaaahh...

  2. Unknown Says:

    salam sahabat
    wadouh lupa ga bawa kamus he..he.
    btw its good posting make me know more n getting info thnxs ya.oh iya ada Award sederhana dari saya mohon di ambil thnxs n good luck