Ngomong-ngomong soal hati
Some said..Just follow your heart..
but when your heart is broken into pieces, which piece would you follow?

There is quite a confusion between mind and heart..
To do and not to do is just a simple way..
But to feel and not to the other way..

Fairness is an absurd accumulative for what people have done..
'What goes around comes around' as they spoke..

And when the night has come..there is only darkness you'll find..
The only way is just to follow your heart..
But when your heart is broken into pieces, which piece would you follow?

-nakushita kotoba-

9 Responses
  1. wah, lama nggak kesini nih keboo...
    nakushita kotoba tu sapa y?
    keren bgt tulisanny...huhuhu

  2. akupunyagigi Says:

    follow the best piece to make everything better in future

  3. Follow the Voice of Truth :)
    Hehee~ seems like my friend is falling in love... how sweet...
    Ha ha haa

  4. Unknown Says:

    keren nih kata2nya. like this

  5. -oKKy- Says:

    @kebo: weLcome back keboo..^^ nakushita kotoba itu juduL lagunya naRuto...=D
    @gigi: kaya slogan kampusku aja...better futuRe...haha..
    @zaizai: well actually, not reaLLy's in between...^^
    @kak fany: tenkiu kak... masih kaLah sama puisi kak fany dunK..^^

  6. Amdhas Says:

    nakushita kotoba seperti nama orang jepang ya sob?
    pengarang atau di tujukan,,maklum english lemah

  7. -oKKy- Says:

    @admin: nakushita kotoba itu juduL Lagu sob, saya hanya pakai judulnya saja..tapi woRdsnya asLi punya saya..=D

  8. pertanyaan nda terjawab bro..
    membiarkan pembaca menentukan ending berdasar imajinasi masing2 huehuehue..
    tipe yg tdk membosankan tp bkin pnasaran haha
    God Blesss!!

  9. akupunyagigi Says:

    kalau slogan kampus biasane : better future and better generation.. atau berpijak pada adat dan kesopanan menuju generasi yang cemerlang tanpa menghilangkan karakter.. (haLah!!!)
    nyemeng epee...d(??)b