SmiLe! u'Re on candid cameRa!! who has neveR heaRd those pHRase? hohoho..wHiLe this time is about me...
I was waiting on the station from sloterdijk to Rai...afteR taking caRe the IND stuff with the nieRsstraat famiLy...hahaha.. teguh goT me shot -weLL i didnt reaLize-, buT it seems reaL.. hahha..actually i posed Like this by puRpose... usuaL of me... cRazy pose of mine wiLL neveR dissapeaRed... -LiKe some said so...^^- name is okky..buT on my woRk RosteR said okki... then today I opened my friendster comment fRom Nova said... "HaLoo o-ka-ka-ye!!..." hahahha... yes, it's OKAKAYE!! -oKKy-
aH...gotta woRk...betteR pRepare eveRything fiRsT... tHanks foR dRopping by!! GOd BLESs you!!^^
Asian Party@escapE! wew...hahha... that was my 2nd time dugem here in Netherland, the first was on the farewell party in Grou... aH, maLes nulis pake bahasa inggRis...huhuhuhu...=P lagian ud dibelain nuLis pake b.inggRis juga ad sense-nya ga di approve muLu..capeee deee... So, sebulan sebeLum ada event ini, anak2 stagiaire dari seluruh penjuru beLanda ud pada buaT rencana mau pada dateng...tapi d-day jg cm bebeRapa gelintir orang aja yg dateng..huhhuhu... They weRe siska, veli, edison, gladdy, melisa, elizabeth, vina, gerry, and yanuaR..[see picture] en ada beberapa temen daRi Luar kota..aLz-eLz, adRieL,
dkk..ada Robby segala.. termasuk aku lah...[hah? how come i didnt take sum pic of them and mine?!?] -even actually i didnt really want to go, but as a hosT [halah guaya koen!] mewakili nieRstraat famiLy Lah..uaheuhae...- jadi totaL dari anaK stagiaire ada 10 orang toK... wesss wess...ojo geLem podo aE kaLo kata tanTe Linda...ahuehuae... weLL, yang namanya Asian paRty...busett...banyaK oRang asia bejubeL man!! yaa iyaaa Laaahh...kaLo banyaK oRang utannya juga bingung gw ntaR... uaheuae... ngemenK epe mode : oN =.= hauehuae... back to the topic...Tapi, menuRut pendapat temen - temen dari Surabaya, dugem dyaisini ga seenaK
dugem di Surabaya...bebeRapa aLesan yaitu : - BayaR paKe euRo, jadi mahaL paK! TikeT boxnya 13euRo... [kuRang ajaR, aKu diboongi teRnyata, kemaren dibiLang cm 10peRak doank...oncom....] haRga minuman smua pake euRo.. [==> ini geLeK oR apa se? hauehuae]
- Kendala teknis [katanya...] yaitu bahasa..uaheuae..jadi kaLo mo nyampeRin oRang mesTi miKiR mau ngomong pake bahasa Indo, InggRis, beLanda, cina, ato
bahkan basa Jawa...sapa tau asLi tegaL...ngeten...
- komeRsiL! mosoK mau pipis aja kudu bayaR..Lha kaLo dipom bensin Indo itu 500 rupiah jg gpp..disini 50cent... Hah? Rp.7000?? wkwkw...pipis gw aja dihargain segitu... buseT daH...siipp siippp! [^^]v
- [berdasarkan pengakuan edison n yanuaR] puLang dR escapE ujan mengguyuR kota amsteRdam...kaLo disuRabaya puLang ujan bisa naek mobiL, disini puLang naeK sepeda n jalan kaki ke centRal station back to den haag...auheuae... [numpaK taxi kan bisa paK...auheuahe]
wess weeess....yang pasti begitu masuk escape, permuLaan acaRa ae ud bikin iLfiL...ada orang cina yang nd jelas "ow ow siapa dia" itu nyanyi lagu yang nd jelas juga menuRut cara dengaR kuping Indonesia... hehehe..eniwei...asian party kemaren lumayan juga untuk meLepas penat otaK setelah hampiR 2minggu kerja tanpa bReaK... [ini bukan rekomendasi!!] yahh...begituLah amsteRdam...aLteRnatif hibuRan hanya dugeM.. kaLo aKu? cuKup caRi hp n teLpon si dia nunjauh disana...oR ma famiLy and ma beLoved fRiend... hahha...gaya!!^^'s been a while for me to post sumthing about my life..well actually the no pain no gain was exceptional..^^ weLL after the first salary has made me worry about anything... once again i should be ashamed of my self by Mike's word to me... Here, im a stagiaire.. so, i have to learn anything..include the one called integrity...
even God told me so via the history makers diary i use as my daily bread, on August 6th, was "OBEDIENCE, NOT SACRIFICE", one of the sentence was "God is not interested in how much we can do for Him, but how much we obey Him -in all things" that was knocking me out properly... while the next 2 days was telling me to turn my fears and worries over to God [Learn to trust the ONE who is in control of everything], the next day's inspirational quotes came from George Mueller.... "Faith ends when worry begins, and worry ends when faith begins"
Do i have to worry? definitely noT!! sometimes i just have a lil jealousy to my other friends who get more than i do...but then God told me...and even Teguh said something i've never expected before..GIVE THANKS to God.. haha..he is sure a good person...
Last night was about the spirit of a champion...and i will seek for "the crown that will last forever" for i will keep my eyes on the a champion... Thanks God...I know who i am..i am Yours....
no pain no gain...hohoho..that is the phrase that everybody know... wHat about those one? I experienced it once again last sunday...^^
So..the story begun when i went to Hoofdorp early in the morning... the previous day, i arrived home at about 1 o'clock..then i was trying to sleep so the next morning i could wake up freshly... and I did! about 6o'clock in the morning...the first pain was... after taking a was very2 coLd!!! T___________T and then the 2nd pain followed right away.. It was 6.35 already!!!! my train supposed to be at 6.41... realize that i was too late..i took a nice cup of chocolate and ate a little piece of bread for my breakfast...then i thought to have the next train..set you go! I went to RAI with my bike and then the 3rd pain...It was very windy morning!! yeaaaaaP! just like the night i almost died in GVL ...and i had to take even longer way to RAI than from those edr to my cabin...wew...
than i noticed that it was Sunday!! and even the schedule were different.. no train on Sunday goes in 6.41 or 6.56!! omg!! Lucky me...the sprinter [the new model of train] was going to schiphol from RAI and also going to Hoofdorp..there was also bad things happened to me and i wont talk about this crap... So, i arrived in hoofdorp safely...the time was arround 7.25...think that i could catch the church since edison told me the church was at 7-9...
That was also the first time for me to go to hoofdorp with the bike on me and looking for the church i was going to go with the police station as the only clue!! so..the pain continued... I was lost!! hhahaha..such a fool boy who bike over Hoofdorp at 7.30 in the morning...where everybody else still felt a sleep but the people who took a walk with their dog!! and after sum trial and erroR...i found the right way...and guess what? 5th pain!! the church was closed!! so it was not 7-9 but 10-12..holy gosh!!
what a long journey ended to nothing... the spirit burnt me before was dimmed i looked up high and fiuh...God...wHat is this all about... then i decided to go homE...with some more pain...I get caught since i didnt buy the ticket for my bike...i was dropped in schiphol to buy the ticket for my bike, or else i had to pay the fine for 35euro!! auheuhaueae..... that were all the pain....but...can u imagine all the things happened to me all in sudden??
the gain??
I know now the exact way to go to the church!! and i know now that it is better to not bring ur bike to the train since it costs u 6euRo..even more expensive than my ticket which was only 3.4euro....weks...
and also I gained some recharges since i was able to see the priest from TV... to thank God everyday...and when som1 ask you... how are u today? i can answer... ow,,,it's been raining!!^^ then he says...what are u talking about?? it's sunny outside....!! "ow, u are talking about the talking about my bless!!^^ pain no gain!! how bout you? how are u today??^^
for my friends Arnold and Ical in Oosterhout, Gladdy in beek en donk, Siska and Anita in Heerenven, Yanuar and Fenny in Seinpost, Faby and Hadi in Enschede, Icha, all the Nierstraat family, and also my others friends who face the same problem with ur progress scattered in Amsterdam, Groningen, Hilversum, Laaren, Castricum, Roosendal, Drachten, Breda, Soesterbeg, Uden, and other place here in pain no gain guys!^^ I know that life is hard..keep thanking to Him...^^