almost the time..

Hmm...2nd june today... it's almost the time for me to go.. haduuuhh... jadi kepiKiran.. tinggal kurang dari 3minggu gini ya..sekarang tiap hari jadi deg2an aja.. mana skripsi belum selesai juga.. and now even i dont know what to write.. tadinya mau nulis tentang pictionary, tapi nda tau ini bloggernya yg lagi error or apa..upLoad image dari tadi ga bisa muLu...gini dah jadinya...>.<

Halah..ini malah sekarang nyoba upload image si anak irian yang rada kocak gini malah bisa... dudut dah.. eniwei,besok pagi aku kudu ke kampus buat sign apply visa Belanda..terus siangnya mesti bimbingan skripsi...sorenya ada casting buat Nyanyian Setengah Tinta..

kalo dipikir2...2hari belakangan ini ada atmosphere yang cukup hangat...kind of spiritual atmosphere...maybe from the KKR History Maker itu kali was exciting... well, i dont have the picture for now but i will upload it later... eventough it was funny as well to hear Dr.Richard Williams speaking..but the point is clear enough.... we are Champion! as we designed to be Champion...

The picture may looks funny..but...he is champion as well i believe... coz we are the Masterpiece of God...i am..and you are...^^

17 days to go for my next feeling bias...

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