animal sign
YO! 2days ago I had a chat with Maria, a good friend of mine.. She gave me some link about Dalai Lama quiz.. one of the question is to point the most to the least animal I choose. It was Cow, Sheep, Tiger, Horse, and Pig. My number was Tiger 1, Horse 2, Cow 3, Sheep 4, and Pig 5.

The result was indeed surprising. Those sign of the animal has its own meaning for each. Tiger represents pride, Horse represents family, Cow represents carrier, Sheep represents love, while Pig represents money. So if I look it as the priority in my life, the sequence is pride-family-carrier-love-money. Hmm...well I think it is INDEED true.

Somehow, some guest's order didn't come out for so long. I checked the order in the computer and he didn't order the food he's been waiting for. I asked him who took the order for him and he answered me "I ordered to one of you Indonesian waiter". That took me less than a second to replied him back. 'Im sorry sir? You ordered to Indonesian waiter? I am the ONLY Indonesian here and the rest are Chinese and Filipino. So if you don't mind if I ask you if he mentioned himself to you that he was Indonesian?' The guess then took his words, mentioned that he was only thinking since both Filipino and Indonesian looked similar for him. [Indeed, it's my PRIDE]

I was running out of nominal [red:money] when at the moment my family gave a phone call, saying that they are in need in urgent matter. The next day I put my nominal in my bank account, to be used for my family in Indonesia. I didn't think it twice. [FAMILY is my second priority after my pride?]

I chose to leave from my previous company since I'm stuck in the middle end of my carrier in hospitality. I want to spread my wings and aim for higher. [CARRIER, in fact that my pride was being stepped by those majority is my main reason of going out]

At the moment, I have no time to think about love since I was way too busy with work. [my next priority after carrier was LOVE?]

See my second fact, I was running out of nominal to be able to send my nominal way back there.. I'm not concerned about how much my new company are able to pay me, as long as I can grow my skill and my carrier there.. [MONEY was the least of all?]

Anyway, what a quiz...

Above all, what I'm concerned now is how God has been so good to me. He sent HIS angel surrounds me. Everything happens to me is by chance HIS handwriting in my life..err, I might have my pen to write, but HE has the eraser..

yeah! Life is not always fair, but GOd is always faithful!
quite smart stupid
Salam dari Shanghai!

Langit Shanghai masih mendung, dibelahan lainnya tampak merah menggantung. Cuaca belakangan ini tidak ramah, hujan mengguyur kota tanpa diundang, panas menyengat malam tanpa diantar. Ah, rupanya kata orang, inilah musim panas di Shanghai. Malam ini saya menyendiri, merenung dan berpikir.

Sejenak tadi saya masih berada di Huashan Road bersama teman baik saya, sambil pijat kaki dan menonton pertandingan Jerman vs Inggris, sambil bercakap tentang pekerjaan baru saya. Kami berbincang tentang nominal gaji. Teman baik saya berkata, "Hei Okky, waktu saya seumur kamu, saya baru saja memulai karir F&B saya, gaji saya pertama kali waktu itu hanya 1500RMB dan saya hanyalah seorang pelayan. Kamu mestinya bangga dengan apa yang kamu dapatkan sekarang." Saya hanya diam dan tidak memberi komentar. Sama seperti apa yang waktu itu seorang pelayanan restoran lama tempat saya bekerja tanyakan..dia bertanya mengapa saya tampak kelelahan, apakah saya belum pernah bekerja sebagai pelayan sebelumnya.

Bagi mereka, apa yang mereka lihat adalah hal yang sudah ada didepan mata.. Saya tidak menceritakan kisah hidup saya sebelumnya didunia hospitality kepada mereka. Bahwa saya pernah menjadi seorang pelayan, housekeeper public area, membersihkan toilet umum, cook helper, sampai tukang cuci piring.

Mereka kadang mencibir dan menyanjung..memuji sekaligus memandang sebelah mata.. Saya pernah harus bangun pukul 5pagi karena mesti menyiapkan breakfast pukul 5.30pagi.. Saya pernah memulai kerja pukul 11malam dan pulang kerja keesokan paginya pukul 11siang, karena saya mesti mengatur bill tamu yang sangat rumit. Dan ketika saya mengatur orang untuk berbuat sesuatu yang baru, mereka mengeluh dan mengumpat..'Mentang-mentang dia manajer, dia bisa menyuruh orang sesuka hatinya..'

Jangan pernah membandingkan hidupmu dengan hidup orang lain, karena kalian tidak tahu apa yang mereka sudah alami dan sedang alami..

Saya merasa berada diantara orang-orang yang tidak mau diajak maju.. 'Jika kamu tidak bisa melawan mayoritas, jadilah di pihak mayoritas'-itulah pola berpikir mereka. Saya akan setuju dengan mayoritas apabila benar, tetapi ada kalanya bahwa mayoritas tidak selalu benar.. Dan membenarkan mayoritas jauh lebih mudah daripada memihak kebenaran minoritas.

Banyak orang bertanya kepada saya, kenapa saya memutuskan untuk berhenti dari tempat kerja saya yang lama.. Kurang lebih, bahwa karena saya memutuskan untuk maju satu langkah, dan itu sudah cukup bagi saya untuk keluar dari tirani mayoritas.

Pada lomba lari marathon Des Sables saya ini...saya tidak tahu apakah saya keputusan saya ini ibarat saya melempar handuk putih, atau ibarat saya baru saja melangkah maju untuk mencapai garis finish.. Tapi yang pasti, saya tetap masih tersenyum..menyongsong perlombaan yang belum berakhir.


catatan kaki:
'You are stupid! S-T-U-P-I-D!' was mostly the sentence shouted by the boss to mostly all the management.. while it came out that the other staff -that has been resigned before- said, only stupid stays and it was enough for a stupid like me to leave. Yes, for a stupid, I'm quite smart.(",)

sekedar nampang
Wei Ni HAO! haha.. back to bLogging! anyway, now I'm posting fRom my new room -again-. OK, so after this day, I removed house since I've no longer work in Bali Laguna. Room is quite small, but comfortable at least for these days.. I hope I can stay longer here anyway. The funny thing is that I have to wait until 00.00H to use the Internet since everybody use it then becomes very slow. After 00.00, they all go to sleep and it's my turn now..haha..

well...Last time I promised Bobby to put the shirt he requested, from the uniqlo shop, a one piece, just like the title of this posting.. sekedar nampang, ini baju juga sekedaR nampang...^^

-Tony ChoppeR, 50Rubby-

-Luffy's Pirate-

hmm..i don't know why the picture getting so small..or maybe I forgot to set it into noRmaL size? haha..anyway, ini the last picture of sekedar nampang...

-hehe..modeL baRu Rambut saya..mau beRekspeRimen si ala shanghai=D
aiya, kurus sangat saya..sepeRti kata pepataH, beRsakit sakit dahuLu..beRkuRus-kuRus kemudian =(-
Ya sudahLah, I'm going to sleep anyway, besoK keRja..ditempat baRu..

so the stoRy goes!^^

Letter Of Resignation

Shanghai, 23rd May 2010

To: Mr.Edwin Ng
Owner of Bali Laguna Restaurant
1649 Nanjing West Rd (inside Jing An Park)

Dear Mr.Edwin,

The purpose of this resignation letter is to inform you that I will be leaving my position in Bali Laguna restaurant as an Assistant Manager effective on 23rd of June 2010, because of my small contribution for the company due to my lack of experiences.

I never thought that I would leave such a good company like this but the things just do not get well enough for me to stay and this is also a difficult decision to make. I do appreciate for all the things that I have learned during my 7-months employment here in Bali Laguna.

I also would like to apologize to all of the management and staff if during my employment in Bali Laguna there were mistakes that I have made.

Please let me know if there is any I can help during the transition. I hope Bali Laguna will be always a pleasant place to work and have a good business for the future.

Sincerely Yours,

Okky Hidayat

Well, tomorrow is my last working day on this restaurant. I'd never regret of my decision to leave, indeed, I'm looking forward what lies beyond..


nb:I've been hiatus for this recently one month since my laptop is broken. My malfunction of this Naga Bonar made its motherboard went crazy.. It took more than 3 weeks to repair since Shanghai HP' headquarter didn't have the spare of my spec motherboard, so they needed to order from Beijing's headquarter.

and now, I'm back again^^