falling slowly
hahaha...I'm exhausted and totally tired.. but I don't know why, I was happy.... yeah..it was fun.. to be able to arrange all of this thing is like a hundred mile for a companion... But now my body has reach its limit, so it's time for me to take a rest a little bit.. 1 task done, other tasks is waiting me right now..

Falling slowly, eyes that know me
and I can't go back
moods that take me and erase me
and I'm painted black
you have suffered enough
and warred with yourseLf
It's time that you won

taKe this sinking boat and point it home
we've still got time
Raise your hopefuL voice, you have a choice
you've made it now
Falling slowly, sing your melody
and I'll sing it loud

-once, falling slowly by Glen Hansard-

a nice song my friend gave to me...yeah..i will just falling slowly.. with all of this 'warred with my self' thing...it's time to win the race...

So..when somebody asks me..How is life or how is work? I will always reply.."it is tired...but it is just fun...^^"

belakangan ini saya menemukan beberapa nama aneh dalam komunitas facebook. cukup menggelitik dan menggugah rasa humor saya.. Contohnya :
  • Ike Kawat Berduri ( Serem )
  • Pembantunya Mangkok Beez ( Mungkin ada juragannya )
  • Iblis Hedon ( yang ini lebih serem )
  • Ovie Si Culun ( ya..nurut sajalah kalau emang culun )
  • Viona Githu Ajha ( Kenapa 'gitu' dan 'aja'nya mesti pakai H ya? )
  • Uth Tutthifrutthii ( Saya lebih memilih menulis mississipi )
  • Hebat Didiek Tidak ( Mungkin maksudnya bertanya Didiek Hebat Tidak? )
dan masih banyak lagi nama aneh yang menggelitik.. Kata Shakespeare, apa arti sebuah nama... tapi kalau nama-nama diatas..hanya si empunya nama dan Tuhan yang tahu artinya...^^
Saya terinspirasi oleh kegigihan seorang teman masa kecil saya. Dalam usahanya untuk mencari kerja dan harus membiayai hidupnya, dia memutuskan untuk menuangkan ide dan kebosanannya belajar kedalam coretan kertas, sebuah bidang yang menurut pengakuannya bukan bidangnya dan berencana menjualnya. Beberapa memang jauh dari sempurna dan sedikit kekanakan, namun memiliki gaya khasnya dan semakin banyak dia melukis..semakin saya suka melihatnya.. Galeri fotonya ada disini.

Entah kenapa kemarin saya melihat note book kecil saya dan memulai dengan garis dan coretan.. Dan mungkin saya merasakan hal yang dia rasakan saat menggerakkan tangan dalam sebuah kertas. Ini hanya sebuah daya imajiner yang mungkin tidak akan tersentuh siapapun, hanya dia dan Tuhan yang tahu, hanya saya dan Tuhan yang tahu. Dan inilah secuil coretan saya kemarin malam di meja bar Bali Laguna sembari menunggu waktu saya menutup restoran.

-Clover in the Line-
-Gramophone Love-
-Anak Matahari- -Masih Tetap Tersenyum-

Coretan yang jauh lebih kekanakan... Setidaknya mengandung harapan dan impian untuk terus berjuang meraih masa depan. Untuk DAP yang sedang berjuang, jangan menyerah, saya percaya ketekunanmu tidak akan sia-sia. Terima kasih atas inspirasinya, lagi-lagi anda membuat saya terkesan.

menjadi bijak

Betapa ini sangat berarti
Membagi geLisah dengan diRimu oh Kawan..

ada benaRnya ucapan katamu...
memang Hidup itu haRus begini adanya..

Kau kepaKKan Kau kembangKan sayap piKiRanku...
menembus Ruang dan waKtuKu..
membangunKan LeLap jiwaKu...
SeteLah Lama teRtiduR...

teRukiR LebiH baiK hiduPku..


So I'm back. To be honest, I have so many things to do..but I want to spend my time posting this anyway. Some days ago, I have a good conversation with one of my friend. She asked me how I was doing.. I learn a lot here in my new workplace and sometimes things are going too wild to handle. Just like when you are swimming in the lake of fire...geez, those are really pain in the arse... I believe this is my hellish training.. either I sink or I swim.. -this 2 phrases I've got from ES21^^-

My mom always tells me to think this as a gold purifying process. Gold needs to be burnt in a high degrees temperature before it turns into the real gold..even diamond needs thousand cuts before it shines its real beauty. Talking about hellish training before, I think inside me now..is a man who falls in love with hell..The process is hard..but I won't give up that easy..until I become such a 'coffee powder'...^^

A good friend of mine wants to see me flying high..by being the one who is trusted by my superior..the right arms..and now I am stepping mine to set it..In the end, there is no end for the field of dreams.. DREAM MAX!! WORK MAX!! PRAY MAX!! Yeah, that is smart...
Darrell Royal's Letter

"On the fieLd, anyone will taste HumiLiation once or twice while playing
A pLayeR that neveR suffeRed fRom it doesn't exist

An aveRage pLayeR wiLL stand up afteR a LittLe wHiLe
and a Loser wiLL Keep Lying down on tHe gRound

But a fiRst cLass pLayer..
as a tRibute to aLL of tHeiR effoRts..
wiLL quicKLy stand uP.."

-ES 21,#290-


one sky one destiny
THinKing of you..wHeReveR you aRe..
we pRay foR ouR soRRows to end
and hoPe that ouR heaRt wiLL bLend..

now i wiLL steP foRwaRd to ReaLize this wish..
who knows..StaRting a new jouRney wiLL not be so hard..
oR maybe it has aLready begun?

theRe are so many woRld..
but tHey aRe shared the same sKy..
one sKy..one destiny..