mayonnaise accident!!
Suatu hari didapur Indrapura...Restoran nd begitu rame... Risollespun jadi korban santapan orang-orang kelaparan didapur...

Tante Paula : "Say! Jangan lupa nih makannya pake mayonnaise ini nih...enaaaak bener deh! Cobain deh.."

adegan cocoL mencocol risolles dengan mayonnaise yang menurut pengakuan tante enakpun berlangsung dengan sukses...and emang mayo-nya enak...semua puas dibuatnya...

Tante Paula : "Tuh kan say! dibilangin gak percaya sih..Ini mayonaise paling enak..temen-temen aku juga kalo pas aku mau pulang pada minta nitip ini nih... Mayo dari Belanda punya... Jauuuuh deh dari Australia punya...

Okky,setengah nyletuk... "Lah..emang Belanda jauh tan dari Australia..hehehe..."
anak-anak :"HAHAHAHAH..."
Tante Paula : "HEH!! AWAS KAMU YAAA!!"

okky : "cenger" =P
koLaboRasi naga bonaR en boneKa penyoE...

weLL...naga bonaR [my laptop's name =P] has been being accompanied by a new cute sea turtle doll...he won't be alone anymore..hahaha....^^ a good collaboration by the color of the naga bonarwith the calm color of those cute little doll... [Agre gave this doll for me in Guetersloh Kerstmarkt..]

Anyway...A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009 for you all... hope this coming year will bring us to our better state in our life...^^
God Bless you all!!
meRRy CHRistmas!!

Merry Christmas everyonE!^^
hopE you have a wondeRFuL chRistmas..

GoD BLess You!!
-Trip, Duesseldorf-
yaaP!! finally....i made it! hahaha...thanks God for making this happened for me... jaaahh..repot aja nulis pake english englishan... mumpung ud lama tidak menulis dengan gaya bahasa apa adanya...mari kita membaca dengan apa adanya... -halah..ngemenK epe...- Mungkin rasanya trip ke Jerman ini dibagi menjadi beberapa postingan saja...yg pertama ini, Duesseldorf...ok ok?=P jadi..cerita bermula dari bangun di pagi2 buta [morning2blind?] sekitaran jm5 en siap siap trus menuju rai dengan jalan sehat... singkat kata singkat cerita, kami ber3 [aku,agre,n cindy] sudah berada dikereta ICE menuju ke duesseldorf...naH eman jan ndeso, jadi kami itu nd nyadar kalo di tiket itu ada gerbong kreta berapa n nomer kursi berapa...biasa soalnya kan kaLo naek kreta diBelanda juga tinggal duduk ae sih... setelah beberapa stasiun n ini kreta ngetem di Utrecht Centraal, Lha akhirnya baru ngeh juga kaLo kita itu duduk diseat oRang Laen... nah naH..peLajaRan peRtama... Laen kaLi kaLo mau naeK kReta, Liat duLu geRbong beRapa n seat beRapa tiKetmu..=P seteLah merunut geRbong dan seat...teRnyata aku dapet seat VIP.. pLeK peRsis dibeLaKang paK kusiR yang sedang mengendaLi kReta Listrik ini..ciamik soRo.. peRjaLanan seLanjutnya ke DuesseldoRf, aKu tuRu...ngantuk soaLnya kaRena bangun kepagian n bo2 kuRang malem...apesnya,1geRbong itu isinya ibu2 PKK BeLanda Lagi ngRumpi aRisan... yowes,ga gt bisa micek dengan puas... seteLah sampe dengan seLamat di Duesseldorf, biasa... foto foto!!

[cindy-agre-me-melisa-yanuar] juRu poto:gladdy=P
Nah...begitu nyamPe,kiTa cLingaK cLinguk nyaRi touRist infoRmation centRe yang akhiRnya membeRikan infoRmasi yang begitu bermanfaat dan beRdaya guna bagi kelangsungan hidup alam semesta..haLah..ngemeng epe... Intinya: buat welcome caRd! that's very impoRtant.. you can take all the tram, metro, n bus for free, for 24h,48h,and even 72h...harganya pun ekonomis...cuKup dengan 18euro buat 3orang..jadi 1orang kenanya 6euro...ud gt dapet banyaK promo lagi...mantabh! tambah lagi diDuesseldorf ini emang apa2 murah koK.. setelah cukup berpusing pusing [red:muter2] naek turun tram gratis berbekal peta ala kadarnya [itu sudah paKe acara naek ke rheinturm,menara tinggi buat sightseeing yang pada saat itu terasa lil bit useless karena kabut tebal, poto2 dibelakang sungai rhein yang konon kabarnya terkenal itu juga,dan nahan perut kelaparan], akhirnya kita pun sepakat makan siang... makan siang disini juga 3M, Murah-meRiah-muntaH... dengan harga 8.15 euro, bisa dapet ayam+ndog ceplok,vegetables,mashed potatoes,n jus apple...tapi,makanan ini namanya apa juga nd tau wah...wkwkkw..siLahkeun dikasi nama sendiri jikalaw beRkenan... KecuaLi ibu gladdy, lebih mahal..entuk bebek soale...uaheuhaeu... ud makan muntaH gt, yanuaR masih aja nambah sepiRing Lagi..saLut saLut!!^^ biz maem jalan2 lagi clingak clinguK di pasar natal yang sebenarnya...-akhirnya- wkkwkwk...

hauhea...jadi dipasar natal ini kita ngicipi hot winE ala German yang konon kabarnya cuma eksis pada musim dingin saja...namanya Gluwine, mbuh bener pa nda nulisnya..terus makanan khas German jg, namanya Bradwurst... trus ya biasa lah, poto poto dsb dsb... pasar natal di Duesseldorf ini dibagi jadi 6pasar...jadi ya mesti jalan jalan kesini kesitu menikmati pemandangan yang ada...-btw, thanks to Glad for editing the pictures...^^-

Setelah berjalan jalan..ternyata waktu berputar dengan cepat dan tidak disangka dan tidak dinyana...jam menunjukkan pukul 6sore..yang artinya kita bertiga -aku,agre,cindy- harus berpisah dengan mereka bertiga -yanuar,melisa,glad- karena kita bertiga mesti melanjutkan perjalanan ke Guetersloh, stasiun kecil dibagian laen Jerman....jadi perjalan ke Duesseldorf berlanjut ke Guetersloh...

-to be continued^^-
waduh....h-1 ke DuesseldorF..maLah fLu gini...T____________T niet so goooooeed maaann..... i hoPe i will get better the following trip is not getting interrupted by some disease.. it is just like the song i heard just now...
"But there's one thing...i know..the blues they sent to meet me won't defeat won't be long till happiness steps up to meet me..."

That's from BJ Thomas...Raindrop keeps falling on my head... ahh...i hope my happiness, which is to be set free from this influenza will step up to meet me..jah jah....
anyway, i just got one nice video from my dearly beloved far away there.. thank you for loving me hun...^^ im sorry not to be able to be an extraordinary man... -i wish i couLd post the video here..buT the extension file is i couldn't-
i Love u chay..fRom the deepest of my heart...just wait for me..for some couples of month...

[HopE OuR Love Last And NeveR Die]
rooibos, new fave tea!
Rooibos..rooibos..rooibos.. to see it on the cup of my tea was previously rare.. but now i'm sure that it will be my next favorite drink... Then it is reminding me bout the phase "don't judge the book by its cover"...eeheee... coZ when the first time i looked at the pack, wow..what kind of tea is this? It mustn taste so good...=( without ever wanted to try it... until yesterday, i convinced my self to ask Beny wheter it is a good tea or not..he replied without any doubt..."Rooibos is good, kind of sweet!"
wow...then i grabbed my cup and made my rooibos tea... it was damn tasty! -wonder if the word "tasty" is suitable for tea...hehehe- after finishing the last sip...i took a bigger cup, made another Rooibos and pretty satisfied..

This morning when i tried to work on my 4th chapter, this Rooibos tea crossed my mind and eventually i looked at the search engine to find any article bout this tea..
Rooibos tea is a natural herb unique to the South African Cedarberg Mountains. During the summer months the Rooibos plants are harvested, fermented and dried in nature's laboratory. Pure mineral water, fresh mountain air and the hot African sun induces the change from verdant green to the mahogany red of Rooibos tea. Rich in many essential natural elements - to bring you a delicious elixir that you will grow to love.. []

This Rooibos also helps in fighting the free radical, contains lot of anti-oxidant, with also lot of mineral such as copper, iron and pottasium, calsium, fluoride, zinc, manganese (i dunno what it is), alpha-hydroxy for skin health, and magnesium for nerv system...
My my.....i guess i will have some more benefit of the tea... hahaha..

This picture is the rooibos bush from legume family.. [geez! Like i still remember those kind of families! hahaha...
anyway.... I miss my kuchay a Lot...T_______________T -WDH! it has nothing to do with Rooibos man!!!-
plan trip
Next plan trip :

Departing from Amsterdam to Duesseldorf, 17th December 08, 7:04..
Arriving from Duesseldorf in Amsterdam, 19th December 08, 11:32..

Hope everything turns out right...

Looking forward to it!

Guest conversation, accent mode?
wew...Yesterday was the 1st December! it's been 5months now and i'm getting the 6th month! Time went so did...hahha.... I think i will remind some silly conversation with my guest..well, with Indrapura's guest to be exact... haheuahe... coz recently my memory is messing arround... jah... Let's begin!

One not quite busy day.. Table 21..
G : "Let me guess...are you Japanesse?"
Me : "eH? I'm Indonesian siR... Do I look like Japanesse?"
G : " are Indonesian... I see..because your accent is like Japanesse... I have a Japanesse best friend whose accent is just like yours..."
Me : "ahahaha...No sir, Im Indonesian.." [Thinking back that if it wasdf so, than my english are Japlish? or maybe...his bestfriend has very good English..hahaha...]

The following hour...Table 8...
G : "...and..How long will you be here??"
Me : "well, since i'll be here just for one year, so next year i'll be going home.."
G : " Are you kidding me?!?! Your English is very good! why should you go back??"
Me : "Ahaha...I don't think so Mam..."
G : "Yes! You are very good!! You have kind of American accent since we talked!"
Me : "Wow, is that so? hahaha..i'll take it as a compliment..hahaha..." [And what about those Japanesse accent then??? Now i've got confused...]

The end of the day...Table 23..almost 11 o'clock...
Me : "Hi...Is everything fine here with the food?"
G : " no no...we are not finished yet...."
Me : "eh? No..i mean... Is everything fine??"
G : "wait a second,mm..i will this one...then you can..take it..."
Me : "No mam...i was asking whether the food is fine or not, or either you need something else...."
G : "aahh... ya ya!! the Food is...FANTASTIS!!"
Me : "hahha... please...take your time.." [Wondering, which accent of English i should have used...]

ayayayayai....maybe i will try to use my Javanesse English to the guest....a.k.a the MEDOK Mode of Okky....