Mimpi adalah kunci untuk kita menaklukan dunia...beRlarilah tanpa lelah..sampai engkau meraihnya...^^ what a nice and symple lyrics by Nidji.. -i dont really know wheter it is them who wrote the lyric or not^^- anyway, i haven't really finished the novel from hempry, Laskar Pelangi... But..when i heard that this movie is being showed in Indonesia, i really want to watch the movie... gosh!!
I think I will just finish the PDF file of Laskar Pelangi in my flash disk...huhuhu.....
Menarilah dan terus tertawa...
Walau dunia tak seindah suRga...
BersyukuRLah pada yang Kuasa...
Cinta kita di dunia...
-Keep dancing..keep laughing...eventough this world is not as beautiful as heaven...Keep thanking to Him...that ouR Love in this world...Last ForeveR-
well..hoaheoae... finally,i'm back! afteR all the negative effects which had been haunting me for couple days... anyway, i hoPe you are all fine there!^^
what am i gonna write now then? ah..this is my story bout the snow.. hihhi.. my first time to see the snow was 2years ago, when i was still in Grand View Lodge, MN.. That moment is unforgottable...i still remember I shaked my supervisor's body while she was driving the van..I think i was almost crying.. hahaha...^^ then the next day i lied on the white layer on the ground of the parking area... took a picture with Arnold and Wayan...it seemed that i have no longer the picture..so sad.. anyway, the memories come up again..yesterday was another snow for me.. well i don't really know if that was the snow or the hagel... but i'll show the picture..^^
Nah,,now it's your opinion to think this as a hagel, or snow...uaheae.. anyway, I just like this Man.Utd jersey! KLOP toch?=P btw,those picture was taken by Joko in front of Indrapura Restaurant... That was freaking cold man! unbelievabLe!!
Lucky me, Benny made me a glass of *something i dont know* that really hit the bar and made me warm..wkwkwkw... thanks for the drink Ben...make me another one! you're the man!! hahaha...^^
And the next journey was to waLk along those cold path to get tram25 with Joko and Elik.. ah..Amsterdam is quite crazy..today after the hagel, the sun shined very brightly, and then it got rain..and then...I don't care anymore... T_____________T
haaaaaaaaaaaaik!!! Apa kabar dunia? uaheuae... akhiRnya seteLah sekian Lama vakum [well, my last post was on Oct 6th!!] kaRena sibuK mengutaK atiK thesis pLan dan sebagainya... and ditambah fakToR S [SENO -kata tante pauLa-] yaitu nd ada mood ngebLog..hahaha...aneh aneh... buLan ini baKaL seRing seRing apdet waH...^^ TopiK haRi ini adaLah tentang coffee veRkeeR! kopi verkeer sendiri itu berasal dari kata kopi dan verkeer [??] Verkeer itu artinya salah.. jadi, kopi verkeer itu kopi yang salah... Kopi yang teRLaLu banyaK susu itu...kaLo di istiLah dunia perkopian yang laen, mungkin ada yang biLang kopi latte juga...nah semacam itu Lah...
weLL, seteLah sekian Lama diRiku ini beRgeLut dibidang hospitaLity [guaya!!], kaRena baRu kaLi ini mengeRjakan sesuatu yang beRhubungan dengan baR en beveRage...jadi kaLo ada tamu minta kopi saLah, ya tak buatin ae secangkiR kopi -or kadang expresso- dtambah dengan susu panas sampe mbludak... naH, sekarang ini...aKu dapet iLmu baRu dari Patrik -kolega diIndrapura- caRa membuat kopi verkeer baru... 3komponen yang ada yaitu susu, buih susu, n kopi.. Pertama dari susu dingin, buat buih dulu..terus susu mesti dipanasin pwoL... kaLo ud, masukin susu tanpa buih sampe 1/4 or 1/2 geLas jg gpp, abiz itu masukin buih susu...buihnya toK LHo ya... kaLo ud, buat expresso...terus masukin peLan2 ke gelas kopi... ntaR buih susu akan mengikat si hitam peKat [red:kopi] and bakalan membentuk satu lapisan kopi diatas susu...
HasiLnya?? Kopi saLah dengan 3waRna, putih, coklat tua, n coklat muda... biaR jeLas...just Look at this picture...^^
setelah praktek buat ini...Kata patRick... waahh...cantiknya....hahaha... weLL, asiK juga buat kopi salah kaya gini...masalahnya, buat kopi gini butuh waKtu yang rada Lama..kaRena masuKin kopi mesti peLan2...kaLo kondisi restoran Lagi Rame...jangan haRap bisa sempet buat kopi salah gini dengan sempuRna... naH..mengingat, meninjau, dan mempertimbangkan haL teRsebut di atas... kopi saLah ini tak kasi judul kofee veRkeer cap oRang tua [nggawene kudu aLon aLon paK!!=P]... aLon aLon asal keLakon...maar lekker toch?^^
[see the video here]