d miracLe oF ayam-bebeK-entoK

"ayam ayam ayam..bebeK... BebeK bebeK bebeK...entoK.... ayam di entoK
bebeK..bebek dientoK ayam...ayam bebeK...entoK-entoKan..."

HoHo..singing this song dragged me to 2005 where it was for the first time to be sung on IWC 18th..no idea at all, suddenly i saw ayam and bebek and Boom!! That's it.. what surprised me is that those song is being "transferred" to the next IWC..ahahhaa..what a silly song... anyway, lagu itu jg jadi lagu pre-opening bon avond di stayokay, 1day before all of the owners pick us up and bring us to our company to be..heheheh.. we from kamar18, were Bernard, Arnold, Ical, me, and Chris... ours were Tari Saman from aceh..ala kadarnya sih... liriknya aja cm didingpadiding..ooiii..dindingpadiding.... trus disambung sama gunung mbak mega para na bui..ato apa lah gitu aku lupa...hauehuaeua..then kita share dikit tentang what we think, what we feel, about the last summer course...

yappp....tRUs last songnya itu i'LL be missing you'nya sapa mbuh nda tau...hauehuaea...singing that song aLso brought ma memories back to the time with ma LuvLy hunny.. huhuhu...miss heR so much..also ma big fRiend... weLL..this week ud kerja... capeknya capek ngonteL piT..wkwkwkkw.. dudut ma dudut...oooo..dudut ma duduuut.. haLah....
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