Blogger yang aneh....ckckckck... (-.- )( -.-)(-.- )( -.-),,,, hampir setengah jam nungguin upLoad picture gini toK..payah wah... eniwei, this pictionary is one of ma favourite game in ma k800i... [ga penting]

The game is simple.. so computer will draw sumthing in ur screen and we have to guess what the picture is as the point we will get will decrease.. the faster u guess, the bigger the point [of course!] as the level get higher, the point also decrease faster... so u better hurry to guess it... they will give you 5 chances to guess...
Just like the picture here, it draws from the tail...and then the body...the point starts from 200pts and will decrease as time goes by.... pretty interesting game...coz you will force your brain to guess about the picture...

You can download it from mobile9 or if you want to search in Electronic Arts for mobiLe phone...

this far, my high score is 3725pts....played until level21... i think cha2's got higher score than me... hohohoh....

Rock team on Last week... this cartoon was made by Ricco, from left is Teguh, Audy [half face on drum], tHen Adit on Keyboard, later is me, another gLasses boy...^^, tHen GunZ for worship Leader...

aLL was dressed in white...commemorate the 100years of National Awakening... the last song was Bendera.... very touching feel....^^ God Bless Indonesia!!!

Bangkit itu..susah..susah melihat orang lain susah... senang melihat orang lain senang...
Bangkit itu..takut..takut korupsi....takut makan yang bukan haknya...
Bangkit itu...mencuri...mencuri perhatian dunia dengan prestasi...
Bangkit itu...malu...malu untuk jadi benalu...malu karena minta melulu...
Bangkit itu..tidak ada...tidak ada kata menyerah..tidak ada kata putus asa...
Bangkit itu...aku....aKu untuk Indonesiaku...
100 tahun kebangkitan nasional...
United:Kings oF EuropE!!!
yap! Man Utd's bringing the champion back to its gLory after beating Chelsea on the death-penalty.... it is 40-year after the 1st champion title after Munich tragedy happened in 1958, while the champion title was on 1968. "We won't let you down" said Sir Alex Ferguson to the "Five the original of Busby Babes". Sir Bobby Charlton, Bill Foulkes, Harry Gregg, Albert Scanlon and Kenny Morgans have been given the VIP treatment by United.

The game itself was pretty tough for both teams by the pouring hardly rain. After Ronaldo's goal took United to lead in 26', Lampart made it 1-1 before the 1st round over. On the 2nd, there was no goal comitted so that the game went into the other 30 minutes strugle for both team. The game went on the penalty match. Teves scored first while the 4th kicker from United -CR7-'s shot was blocked by Peter Czech. The fans was relieved when John Terry, the last kicker's shot was far to the left side of Van der Sar. Finally, the game was up to the victory of United when VDS blocked Anelka's shot.. Sir Alex didn't let The Five down, neither the team...
It is their 3rd times Cup on their 3rd Final United had.. The team deserves of it as well as the Five does...
-We will live for one united...come together undefeated...-
Bawang merah bawang putih... bawang-bawangan..

Tuing tuing tuing... morning morning blind gini di Samaya ujan deres... mau tidur ga bisa karena nyamuknya seabrek abrek disini..ya sudah apa daya..akhirnya nongkrong ngebLog.. ahuehuaueau... Ternyata kemaren Indonesia kalah beneran [ma previous post], ud gitu uber cup juga lepas lagi... tapi banyak yang bilang, ud masuk final juga ud bagus... nah lo..cepet puasKah? ato emang karena hanya target masuk semi finaL? ah..itu urusan koni dan pbsi..[kali yee]^^

Kemaren juga ud kirim2 email sama Dhr.Ten Cate, si empunya indrapura restoran bakal calon tempat training di amsterdam sono...balesannya cukup mengagetkan..soalnya belom belom ud disuru prepare bandingin rijstaffel menunya dia...cckkckck.. menu rijstaffel komplit bisa dilihat disini. ini kira2 menu rijstaffel nusantara... [price is € 35,00]

-bakwan, Emping mLinjo, Sambal Goreng Kentang, Sambal Goreng Teri Kacang, Acar Campur, Gado Gado, Sambal Goreng Buncis, Ajam Pangang Kecap [mksdnya ayam panggang kecap kali ye...], Daging Semur, Daging Kalio [yg ini ga ngerti, tapi explanationnya artinya ira2 "pokoke daging sapi puedes dicampur santen n bumbu2an..", rendang ya'e..], Rujak Manis, Saté Ajam, Saté Manis, Tumisan, Udang Rica, Nasi Putih, Nasi Kuning-

kebayang? wew...sekarang yang baru bisa buat paling cm nasi putih tok..wkkwkw... bakalan banyak2 ngoncek2 bawang brambang ni... eniwei...tadi cari2 tips dapet juga, ternyata biar bisa ngoncek bawang merah tanpa harus mbrebes mili alias mata kepedesen, bisa diakali gini.. jadi bawang yang mau dikupas direndem air 15mnt dulu..biar kulit luar rada lunak, terus baru dikupas...ngupasinnya didalem air..ga usah pake pisau, pake tangan jg ud bisa... begoonoo.. ^^
hmm..kemaren kapan itu juga sempet ngomong2 sama pujaan hatiku..halah... aku tanya gini... "emm..kalo ntar okky pergi, trus kmu juga pergi, biz itu kamu nemu orang yang lebih baik dari okky, gimana dunk?" Her answer was surpising and relieving me... She said... " I don't need anyone better than you..all I want is you..."^^ Thanks hun...that's the most answer I won't get from anybody else....
warna fontnya sengaja..biar rada mbawangi..halah..aheuahea...
waduh..Thomas Cupnya... Kok alamat gini.. babaK peRtama Sony Dwi Kuncoro kalah setelah maen rubber set, babak kedua ganda juga kalah lagi rubber set... huKs... ini TaufiK Hidayat lagi maen.. tapi kok ketinggalan 14-11 juga.. Indonesia uda ketinggalan 2-0 gini dari korea... semoga bisa mbaLik keadaan... huKz... Go Go GO Indonesia!!!!
Ayooo....ayo Indooonesiaaaa.... Ku ingin...kita harus menaaaangg!!! -sambil harap harap cemas- [baru mau posting, taufik kalah beneran 21-13...T________T]
dua saja
Lagi enak - enak dikost, searching2 buat tips bahan cha2 siaran...dapet juga ternyata...hehehehe... 2aja.. ini tipsnya dapet dari blognya Ibu Riana R.Ishwajudi -makasi ya Bu!^^-

Tips ngecat rumah nih... - ga tau deh kapan bisa ngecat rumah ndiri..ahuehaue- kalo mau ngecat rumah...kadang kita suka ga tahan sama bau cat yang terlalu menyengat..setuju g? nah, biar bau cat itu hilang, masukin beberapa tetes esens vanila ke dalam cat, maka bau cat akan hilang n gak ngubah warna cat lho!

Tips yang ini dari titikcerah, intinya tentang mandi! ahuehae..secara gw juga kadang rada punya masalah sama "mandi"...hehehe..

Mandi air hangat sekitar 32-35 derajat Celsius membuka pori-pori yang dapat membantu mengeluarkan toksin. Mandi air hangat juga dapat membantu menurunkan tingkat gula darah, menyembuhkan sakit otot dan membantu menjaga usus besar bekerja dengan baik. Waktu yang dianjurkan selama 10-20 menit. Di jepang, hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa "kungkum" air hangat 10menit aja bisa memperbaiki kesehatan jantung.. Penelitian lainnya, penderita diabetes yang berendam air hangat setengah jam setiap harinya, menurunkan kadar gula sebanyak 13% Lho...

masalahnya...di kost ga ada air hangat... T____________T
a conversation with buddy...

A: Eh! Koen ngerti ga, rosicky ga iso melu euro lho!!
O: Lho kenapa?
A: Cedera, gek meh operasi kaki..perkiraan sembuhnya lama...
O:Oalah..Podo mbe Rooney nek ngono gak iso melu euro pisan...
A: Lho opoo??
O: Iyo..lha wong Inggris ora lolos euro kok...hehehhee...
8 Anointings...

Well..kemaren itu ibadah Pentakosta… turunnya Roh Kudus..^^ I went to church, which preach by Mr.Henry Parera, speaking about the 8 anointing Holy spirit will give for us.. Been wondering whether this 8 will come to me, or maybe it will be more to be when I will get it for sure.. since I’ve been waiting for this anointing. Of course that you can’t have it easily coz people need to be processed.

1. Anointing to create
Create anything.. For me, it is more to be in entertainment or workfield since I will be on this 2 major for my life. Music, has been running over my childhood until now.. and due the decision to take hotel management for ma study, forcing me not to just work in some place, but to create another job opportunity for others..

2. Anointing for dominion
This one will a little bit difficult for me.. but, what is impossible with GOD? Nothing! Dominion talks about new place to harvest, new people to tell about HIS Love, and new thing to be explored…^^

3. Anointing to Posses the gates
Gates speak about the decision. How I make my decision will affect the whole of my life. But when you have Holy Spirit in you, ask first about what you want to decide, follow it, then your life will be great! Sometimes I made bad decision and wrong decision. Make it no more…

4. Anointing to transfer the wealth
I believe that I am blessed to be bless for other. Even tough I know that I’m still struggling for my wealth, but what that’s for comparing with what God has given to me in my life? Once I heard that when you give more, you will have more..^^

5. Anointing to new greater emphasize of intersession
Hmm… Kind of strange word for me I guess.. in Indonesian is “urapan syafaat”. Means that you’re not just live your life for the sake of God and you yourself, but know that whenever God put you in, He has a purpose for you and for the place you are placed. Questioning my mind is to pray for the nation, for the city, for government, for school, and for work place…so, pray, pray, and pray!

6. Cyrus Anointing
as mentioned in Psalm 107:16..

7. Anointing of creative miracle
Who knows..that someday just by playing your music, you can heal someone’s soul…^^ people could hear that there is GOD in the music we play, not just by music, by the song we sing, by our act. Play role as a window, where everyone can see God through us…

8. Anointing to spiritual eldershiper
in Indonesia- Kepenatuaan Kota-, how we influence the influence and affect the affects…

I’m 21years old… There are so many great things that will happen or I will definitely do.. as God has HIS purpose on me.. The book “Sang Pemimpi” by Andrea Hirata –given as my birthday present by Ms.Lusy- inspires me a lot. Dream a big dream, while doing a little thing… I believe it..


I believe in miracles
I believe all my heart’s designs will come true
I believe in rainbows
I believe the sun will rise again of this I’m sure

I believe in angels
I believe with all my heart although I cannot see
I believe in miracles
I believe some day soon the desert will bloom

Have you ever heard a baby cry?
Have you ever seen an eagle fly?
It’s amazing to me even though without wings I can fly

I believe in miracles
I believe there is a light shinning within
There’s a miracle inside of me..

Learning English
Hope this will help to they who eager to learn English^^ Kalo jaman dulu sih orang bisa bahasa Inggris itu ud menimbulkan decak kagum wah.. tapi di era globalisasi kaya gini, bisa jadi petaka kalo ga bisa bahasa Inggris.. masalahnya, kebanyakan orang jadi “mengkeret” duluan kalo ud denger Bahasa Inggris.. weKz… gotta friend from Semarang who frankly told me that “Aku ga bisa bahasa Inggris yo!!!” tips dari beberapa sumber n from me myself buat belajar bahasa Inggris nih kira – kira ini…:

1. Set your goal
Motivasi, buat apa belajar Bahasa Inggris? Mulai dari bisa speak – speak Inggris ala Cincha Laura, buat reservasi hotel di luar negeri, or sampai cari beasiswa di US or Europe dengan nilai IELTS 6.5? That’s your choice!

2. Discipline
Kudu disiplin buat belajar, luangin waktu terutama untuk grammar (many people get messed up with this things) walopun kita pada sibuk, tapi tetep harus ada waktu buat belajar.

3. Ask
Kalau ga tahu, tanya sama yang tahu. Jangan malu bertanya.. kalo ud tahu, simpen dah di otak..biar ga lupa lupa lagi…hohoho…

4. Join English
clubJoin English club bagus untuk tukar informasi n sharing, bagus juga buat meningkatkan kemampuan lingual kita dan jangan lupa, JANGAN TAKUT SALAH! English is not our main language…it’s a common if we make mistake..^^

5. Movie-Music
nah..yang ini tips yang aku paling seneng…hohoho.. tonton film berbahasa Inggris, you don’t need to understand it all.. cara artis ngomong –pronounce- arti slang ato logat tertentu, bisa menambah pengetahuan.. juga dengerin lagu – lagu barat, cara latihan bisa jg dengan cara cari liriknya tapi pake kuping..try as hard as you can! Dengerin radio n berita berbahasa Inggris juga melatih daya tangkap berbahasa kita lho…

6. Reading
baca!! Baca!! Baca!! Jangan males baca..garis bawahin kata – kata yang km nd mudeng, cari di kamus (pas cari diKamus, baca – baca juga kata lain yang ada). Baca artikel berbahasa Inggris, disamping menambah vocabulary jg dapet pengetahuannya lho..

7. Chatting
Chatting bisa jadi alternatif buat belajar juga… dengan msn or ym, yang memungkinkan untuk bersosialisasi dengan orang dari berbagai penjuru dunia, sehingga kita akan dipaksa menggunakan bahasa Inggris, kecuali kalo ud menguasai bahasa selaen inggris..hehehe.. sapa tau, selain dapet ilmu bisa dapet jodoh pula.. ^0^

8.Get Sosialized
cara yang paling ampuh menurutku ya..dengan bersosialisasi dengan native speaker.. well for me it’s not hard because I’m living in bali, a place where foreigner is catchy…yang penting jangan takut salah..tapi juga kalo udah salah juga mesti dibenerin..jangan terus – terusan salah..ga well namanya tu..hehehe..

Well, kira kira itu beberapa tips buat belajar bahasa inggris.. ini ga cm efektif buat bahasa Inggris doank, tapi juga buat belajar bahasa asing lainnya…^^ Try it!
the same

Kind of strange… when I woke up in the morning couple days ago, all the memories within just lied ahead me.. when we were on the same stage, singing the same song.. feeling the same euphoria.. winning euphoria.. fiuh, I miss that time much.. you guys rock and makes me proud.. one day I will be on that position, in the same stage again with you guys…. Looking forwards to stare our future…

JaLan!! JaLan!!

oLaHRaga…oLaHRaga..oLaHRaga… hohoho… mungkin kadang kita saLah kapRah dengan yang namanya oLaHRaga, yang seLalu cendeRung beRaktivitas dengan mencucuRKan keRingat yang banyaK..sepeRti sepak bola, basKet, tinju, sampai ngegym seLama beRjam-jam, ataupun berenang [yang tidak mengeLuaRKan keRingaT?=P] TahuKah Kamu kaLau beRjalan KaKi seLama 10menit seHaRi juga oLahRaga yang menyeHatkan tubuh? PeneLitian membuktikan bahwa olahraga sekeciL apapun akan beRguna bagi keseHatan tubuh anda Lho!!
Tips aja niy..kaLau kita ke mall aTau peRgi ke toKo..paRkiRLah kendaRaan sejauH mungkin dan beRjaLanLah ke tempat tujuan anda.. Makanya, jangan keseL kaLo parkiR dimaLL dapat tempat yang jauh..beRsyuKuRLah kaRena setidaKnya anda bisa beRoLahRaga sediKit…^^

sumbeR disini

PatricK KickeN
RecentLy i've goT some recoRding sound from one of my friend...it's about patrick KickeN, an Italian guy who spent his holiday in Malta.... this is his story..

"one day i went to Malta to a big hoteL.. in tHe moRning i go down to eat bReakfast. toLd the waitRess i wanna TWO pieces of toasts..She bring me onLy one piece.. i said.. "I WANT TWO PIECE!!" she said " Go to tHe toiLet if you want to piss!!"

PK: "u no understand I want two pieces on my pLate!!"
W :"U betteR not TO PISS on uR pLate u son oF a bxxxh!!"

i dont even know heR but she called me son of a bxxxxh... then i go to a big restaurant, the waiter only give me spoon and knife but no foRk. i said "I want a foRK!" he said "everyone even Fuxked!"

PK: "U no understand me I want to be foRk on ma tabLe!!"
W: "U betteR not to fuxk on the tabLe u son of a bxxxh!!"

tHen i want back to my room on the hoteL and see there is no sheet on ma bed. caLL the hoteL manageR and say "I want sheet" he say "go to toiLet if you want to SHIT!"

PK: "u no understand i want sheet on ma bed!!!"
HM: "u betteR noT SHIT on youR bed you son of a bxxxh!!"

then i go down and checK out..the man say "peace on you maN!" I said "Pissed on you too man you son of a bxxxh!!" I go back to ItaLia..aRRividechi!!