Pretty weird...hahaa..iseng-iseng hari ini maen aplikasi dari fb fortune cookies... isinya apa ya...lupa tepatnya gimana tapi intinya, dream and live ur dream..or gimana giTu.. bermimpilah..dan hidupilah mimpi itu.. eaLah Lha kok pas backgRound music Larukunya lost heaven.... [we'LL say goodbye Lost Heaven.. How we Long foR Heaven.. we'Re Letting go of something we'd neveR had... Time goes so fast..heaven is Lost...] sigh..pretty contradiction foR me..weks.. anyway, it just went wrong when i tried to post it in my waLL...oR malah i shouLdnt post it ya? one knows...^^
nb:weLL..i hoPe my heaven isn't lost....yet...