Pretty weird...hahaa..iseng-iseng hari ini maen aplikasi dari fb fortune cookies... isinya apa ya...lupa tepatnya gimana tapi intinya, dream and live ur dream..or gimana giTu.. bermimpilah..dan hidupilah mimpi itu.. eaLah Lha kok pas backgRound music Larukunya lost heaven.... [we'LL say goodbye Lost Heaven.. How we Long foR Heaven.. we'Re Letting go of something we'd neveR had... Time goes so fast..heaven is Lost...] sigh..pretty contradiction foR me..weks.. anyway, it just went wrong when i tried to post it in my waLL...oR malah i shouLdnt post it ya? one knows...^^
nb:weLL..i hoPe my heaven isn't lost....yet...
When the stage is bare tonight
There's no one else
Just You and me
When the curtains close behind
There's no pretense
I'm on my knees
I will lay down my life
For a love sacrifice
You gave to me
It's all because of You
All because of You
The God I Know
Righteous and Holy
The God I Know
Faithful and true
The God I Know
My tower of refuge
Hearts are healed
Christ revealed
The God I know
Light of the city
The God I know
Strengthens the weak
The God I know
Your heart beat within me
As you are, so are we...
Have anybody seen the movie 'EVAN ALMIGHTY'??'s quite a good movie, the sequeL of BRuce aLmighty wHich doesn't have anything to do with the fiRst one, but the God and Evan himseLf... haha... in this moviE, God asked evan to buiLd the ARK for Him...and in a sudden, evan became Like noah who had to build an aRK for the big flood to come... weLL, in the end of this movie, what God really want us to know is, that our ARK means more than what REAL ARK is.. ARK -Act of Random Kindness- [i just realized this when Agre toLd me about the ark we should build, thanks GuR!^^]
weLL..taLking about this ARK..what do you have in mind? have you ever done it befoRe? hahah..pRetty confusing, isn't it? Hmm..RecentLy, there is a reaLity show in TV caLLed -PembeRian MisteRius-, you will be asked to give something to someone you don't even know who and you have to search for the adress yourself.. it can be money or food or even medicine that is very much needed for those people.. It's quite dramatical for me to see, that small people who lives under the average are actually rich in their hearts. For us? Small thing will be probably enough to help people arround us who are in need. Small Kindness, will be pretty much appreciated rather than if we show off our solidarity. Hmm..even God ask us to build our ARK..maybe it is one way for us to be the light and salt of the world...
So..are you ready to build your ARK?^^
Weks!! wuakakak...mudiK teLah tiba!! mudiK teLah tiba!! [aLa Tasya] yeeeP! aKHiRnya seteLah seKian Lama aKu hidup didunia ini, AKU MUDIK JUGA!!! -padaHaL emang nd peRnah meRayaKan tRadisi mudik si- HeHeHe...yaaa gitu dee..emang pas beRsamaan dengan waKtu mudiK juga ini puLang ke SemaRang daLam rangka beRsiLatuRaHmi dengan sanaK famiLy,mesKipun sebeneRnya nd jeLas juga sih tujuan utamanya apa..
Katanya siy, daRipada ngangguR dibaLi nd ada keRjaan, mendingan diRumaH aja ngangguRnya... -seeet..sama2 ngangguR intinya! weLeh- Begonoo dee..jaduaL Estimated Time DepartuRe -guaya!- jam 15.00WITA, dijemput oLeh sang teman beRnama DanaR EKa CandRa.. seKaRang yang mesti diLaKukan aadaLah..PERSIAPAN! KaRena ada bebeRapa barang diKost ini yang mestinya dibumiHanguskan -ga segitunya kaLeee- jadi yaaa mau ga mau mesti dibawa pulang semaRang..contoh: Tape RecoRdeR, BuKu2, mesin cuci, LemaRi es, kompoR, pespot Kesayangan, dLL...-Lama2 ngeLantuR ah- hehehe..haRi H mau pulang baRu jungkiR baLiK kebingungan mau bawa apa aja -tapi masih sempet posting bLog-, kemaRen padaHaL pas ketemoE mami gauL yang Lagi online FB, ditanya "oKKy, sudaH siap2 buat besoK?" dengan enteng taK jawab "HaLaaah mam..apa yang mau dibawa sih.." eee...teRnyata begitu seKaRang...bingung jadinya...mana ini peRut LapeR Lagi beLom teRisi sesuatu yang beRaRti selain daRipada nyemiL upiL hasiL pRoduksi sendiRi... -?!?!?-
DengeR2 daRi LudFi yang notabene anggota tetaP mudiK taunan, taon LaLu dia pulang mudiK ke Banyuwangi di hari H-3, antRinya diPelabuhan sekitaR 5Jam!! buset...moga2 ntaR di penyebeRangan LancaR d..jadi ga peRLu nunggu sebegitunya...bisa KebuRu beranak ntaR aKu ya? ckckkckc.... oKeLah...daRipada nd keLaR keLaR en nyantoL muLu didePan naga bonaR,mendingan aKu cao duLu daH, mo saRapan -yg uda supeR dupeR teLat- n baLiK lagi buat bebeRes....
weLeh...ini yang salah inet koneKsiku, bLoggeRnya, oR mataKu ya? ud dikuceK-kuceK daRi tadi...tapi tetep aja kagak nongoL nih postingan,..wew...ceK duLu aH..sapa tau nd nongoL Lagi....=.=