#Aimee Wijaya
You may say I'm a dreamer,
But I'm not the only one. 
I hope someday you'll join us, 
And the world would be as one. 

#Bobby Banawi
Ten times two is the same as eleven times two. Coz' ten times two equal to twenty and eleven times two equal to twenty too. 

#Angga Headdick Athedisco
Dasar cewek genit! Dicolek bilang makasi, giliran aku yang nyolek bilang 'Please try again!' (-.-!) 

#Eunike Ernestin
It's sad how the people you were once so close with can become just another stranger you don't know. 

#Maria Dewi
Apapun kata mereka, biar cinta kita yang menjawabnya.. 

#Faizal Ukkas
A just friend expects you to be there for any help. A best friend is always there when you require any help. 

#Denny Frans
Saya sangat kecewa dengan produk Iphone dari awal, terutama seri Iphone 4s. Menurut saya, Iphone adalah produk gagal, gagal dalam arti gagal saya beli dari seri awal apalagi sampai seri 4s. Harganya itu lho! 

Berbagai quote dari teman-teman saya yang lumayan membuat saya tersenyum ato setidaknya me-Like- status mereka di Facebook. Untuk Denny Frans, saya membaca komennya di halaman harian Kompas, menanggapi artikel "Pemilik iPhone4 Kecewa dengan iPhone4s"

Ada yang mau berbaik hati juga untuk menambahkan?? (",)

#Okky Hidayat
Can crop circles be square?

wet and hot
Another hot raining day in Shanghai! Got to wake up at 4, prepare for Bank Mandiri catering in Pudong... then left from Bali Bistro at 6, yes, it was raining hardly this morning, yet it was hot.. Vitti texted me that today 'you wet you re' [ 又湿又热] and I just agreed... since me and my staff needed to bring all the catering stuff to 12th floor, it was even hotter... =.= 

We finished the catering around 3 anyway, thanks to the security staff who didn't allow us to go since we don't have the leaving authority paper which need to be issued by Bank Mandiri.. Their staff all went to have lunch, due to the soft opening of Bank Mandiri Shanghai Branch.. 

Anyway, I'm home already.. the sky outside is still grey, with the chance of raining and the hot temperature here.. It's Shanghai anyway, what do you expect man?


if it happens, it happens.... -Taneda

So, I just sit here having a cup of hot ginger tea while browsing the good movie to watch until Dela from Kaskus posted her last, that was Solanin... Brought to the movie version from the manga version, took me a while to search and to download it, which was success by the end of the evening..

Don't want to rush, I read the manga first.. The story of Meiko and Taneda, a couple who tried their best to make life goes on and everything is ok, soon to be broke up after Taneda's band #1 cover getting rejected in the record company..Left them in a conclusion that the band's over...and finally when Meiko heard what's the song is all about... it was a farewell song...

Good Bye, I don't care - You'll make it somewhere
I can manage on my own - And it's what I'm gonna do

I haven't finished reading the manga, but I would be sure that this quite an interesting manga and movie..

Interesting in the movie? here is the link for the trailer and the manga

Happy reading and watching!!

-Big or small, fireworks are still pretty-

Haha..ini saya dapet inbox dari E-Humor, sekedar share sajalah disini.. berhubung masih ga ada topik untuk dibahas... mari kita membahas tentang wanita... :)

  • Jika dikatakan cantik, dikira menggoda...Jika dikatakan jelek, dikira menghina...
  • Bila disebut lemah, dia protes...Bila disebut perkasa, malah menangis...
  • Maunya emansipasi, tapi disuruh membetulkan genteng menolak.. (sambil mengomel, 'Masak disamakan ama cowok??)
  • Jika ditanya 'Siapa yang paling dibanggakan?' jawabnya 'Ibuku', tapi paling bangga kalo bisa jadi wanita karir.... (padahal ibunya 'Ibu Rumah Tangga')
  • Bila kesalahannya diingatkan, mukanya merah.. Bila diajari mukanya merah, disanjung mukanya merah, jika marah mukanya merah... Lha kok sama semua?? #bingung
  • Ditanya ya atau tidak, diam... Ditanya tidak atau ya, diam... Ditanya ya atau ya, diam juga.. Ditanya tidak atau tidak, lha diam juga... kalau didiamkan, malah marah...(kita disamakan ama dukun yang bisa nebak jawabannya)
  • Disebut ceriwis, marah...dibilang berisik, ngambek, dibilang banyak mulut malah tersinggung.. tapi kalo dibilang supel, seneng banget... (padahal kan intinya sama si?)
  • Disebut gemuk, tidak senang, padahal maksudnya sehat.. Dibilang kurus, malah senang.. padahal maksudnya 'Kok bisa seperti itu??'
  • Itulah wanita.... dia makin senang kalo kita makin bingung....

So,,what do you think? -Selanjutnya, terserah anda... :) -

Sumber: Manna Sorgawi, 2007

how business done
Dad : 'Son, I want you to marry the girl of my choice'
Son : 'No'
Dad : 'The girl is Bill Gates' daughter'
Son : 'Then ok'

Dad then goes to Bill Gates
Dad : 'I want your daughter to marry my son'
Bill Gates : 'No!'
Dad : 'My son is CEO of the World Bank'
Bill Gates : 'Then ok'

Dad then goes to President of World Bank
Dad : 'Apoint my son to be the CEO of your bank'
President : 'No!'
Dad : 'He is the son-in-law of Bill Gates
President : 'Then ok!'

Now this is BUSINESS!!

-taken from some post in my wall-