get cendoL!^^

CendoL!! auehuaea.. cendol aka dawet.... setelah sekian lama nda makan cendoL, akHirnya disini bisa makan cendoL juga...=P ah, diBelanda emang smua makanan Indonesia bisa dicari.. jadi, ceritanya ini gara2 ada 3dwazeg dagen di bijenkorf, pagi2 sekitar jm11an ud jalan kesana bareng Mulfi n Agre.. katanya sih diskon besar2an..tapi tetep aja harganya larang pwoL! weks.. terus setelah sekian lama berputeR puteR, perut lapeR juga wah.. karena bingung mo maem apa..akhirnya diajaklah kita makan di Sie Joe, katanya di sana ada cendoL, ada mie bakso puLa...waahh..lumayan, mumpung cuaca lagi dingin...rada adem maem mie bakso.. uenak pwoL pasti!! euhahuea..akhiRnya kita bertiga jalan ke Sie Joe, tanpa babibu order 3 cendoL... emang rasanya..rasa dawet!! auehuae...

aH...sueger...uaheuae.. saking lapernya, sekali sikat itu dawet langsung abiz waH! emang nggragas iki... [lha wong aus..] akhirnya, karena hasrat minum dawet lebih besar daRipada haus ya otomatis romantis pesen dawet 1 gelas lagi.. uaheuae.. akhirnya mie bakso yang ditunggu2 dateng juga...porsinya lumayan gede waH! jadi mesti rada usaha keras buat ngabisin mie bakso gara2 wes kembung duluan kena dawet..auheae.. eniwei, it was lekkeR man!!^^ selese makan, terus kita jalan ke dam square...disana foto foto sama malaikat pencabut nyawa..lumayan, bayaR 1euRo...ah, tapi i prefer kalo topengnya kaya topengnya scary movie.. ahiaK...T________T

bis jalan2...balik lagi ke Indrapura..kerja mpe malam demi sesuaP nasi...secara makanku ga sesuaP...uahuehuae... [this pic was taken by teguh....ayayayayai!]

to be continued to the next thing...^^

nb:tulisannya sengaja ijo, biar mirip kaya dawet..wkwkkwwk....GBU aLL!!

get the habits and facts! -english version for d get a homework-
hahaha..i think some people won't understand about what i wrote in the previous post, so i decided to rewrite it in English version.. This is the 10habits and facts about me:

1.Im the first son from 2siblings, 8years different.. still like to fight with my sister until my 3rd year of highschool for unreasonable reason...

2.Thing i like the most when i sleep is to hug my guitar.. my guitar is the most victim off falling from the bed when i fight the black mask raider dreaming..^^

3.Bad habit : collecting my unused stuff...

4.Got interest in putting off some electronic stuff with 20% chance to ever putting it on back again..what a clumsy me... aLias name was Paul Soe Bekti, then i was being called "penyoe" for the first time in my 3rd year of junior high school..since then, everybody call me penyu, which meaning is seaturtle..

6.Breaking the record for the slowest making bed exam in the class, 2beds for 14minutes.. the other made it under 10minutes...

7.Been hospitalized twice for blood fever dengue, for the same reason : OVERTIRED! the first one was on my 1st year on senior highschool, the second one was on march 2007, since i was too slim afterward, i took the medicine to gain weight, and suceed to gain 11kg from 57kg to 68kg..

8.Like to watch soccer match especially Man.Utd match..always being an obligatory match to see..hehehe..

9.Cannot see any blood coming from cut finger... me myself had been cut my finger twice.. the first happened with the chicken roasted cutting, the second one with the beef cutting..

10.I like to say something that doesn't have any connection with what other said, joking of course..hahaha...

that's it! the 10 habits and facts of me...for people who wondering what been i've written in the previous post...^^ Have a good day! GOD BLESS YOU!

Get a homewoRk
ha!^^ dapet PR dari Rika! hahaha...ud lama nda dapet PR diblog..actually it is kind of networking game, these are the rules :

1. Each blogger must post these rules
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their ten things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’ve been tagged and to read your blog.
the homework is, to answer this : 10 facts and habits about Okky Kharisma Hidayat..^^

1.Anak pertama dari 2 bersaudara dengan selisih umur 8tahun, tapi sampe kelas 3sma masih suka berantem ma adek buat alesan yang ga jelas..ehhe... sekarang jg kayanya..ah...^.^"

2.Paling suka peluk gitar waktu tau deh itu gitar ud bocel-bocel jatuh ketendang waktu mimpi brantem sama ksatria baja hitam... -gitarku sayang gitarku malang-

3.Kebiasaan nyusuh barang...barang-barang yang udah nda penting n nda kepake suka disimpen tanpa alasan yang jelas..

4.Tertarik dengan barang2 elektronik rusak buat dibongkar, tapi ga pernah bisa masang balik lagi...well, 80% spesialis bongkar, 20%bongkar-pasang.. uaehuae....

5.Nama samaran pertama kali PSB, alias Paul Soe Bekti kls 1smp, pertama kali dipanggil "penyoe" kelas 3smp, sejak itu selalu dipanggil penyu n mulai suka sama penyu...hehehe.. blog ini [umigame] juga artinya penyu...

6.Memecahkan rekor making bed terlama satu kelas waktu ujian praktek housekeeping semester1 diDhyana Pura, 2 bed dengan total waktu 14menit... -yang laen dibawah 10smua...hahaha..-

7.2x masuk RS diopname karena kena DB, dengan alesan yang sama : KECAPEKAN!=P, yang pertama kelas 1sma, yang kedua awal Maret 2007..setelah itu karena ga bisa gemuk lagi, minum obat gemuk n berhasil menaikkan berat badan dari 57kg ke 68kg.. weks...

8.Suka nonton bola, apalagi kalau yang maen Manchester United, wajib nonton walaupun disiarin live subuh-subuh... -tapi sejak disini ga bisa nonton lagi..T______T-

9.Paling ga bisa kalau liat darah ngucur dari jari yang kepotong....jariku sendiri udah pernah kepotong 2kali..yang pertama karena potong2 daging ayam panas yang baru keluar dari oven [daily worker diGWK], yang kedua potong daging sapi waktu mau bbq IWC 19th..

10.Suka menanggapi omongan orang nd nyambung dengan omongan yang lebih nda nyambung lagi..halah...

Houaheua..ok ok... and for the next 10 people for this home works are adek, oviRa, mas anton, chiaKi, aLef, anastasia, utine, Scott, Ling2, Varenz.. uaheuae.. seLamat mengeRjakan!!^^