jowo vs english
Halo! Greeting from Semarang nih sekarang.. baru saja dapet update Whatsapp'an dari Ik Lusy,maminya Kenan yang lucu itu.. (Kenannya lucu, maminya juga lucu kok).. Katanya, ternyata bahasa jawa itu lebih efisien dari bahasa Inggris.. 

E: Walk slowly on the edge (side) of the road
J: Mlipir 

E: Fall backward and the hit own head
J: Nggeblak

E: Got hit by a truck that is moving backward
J: Kunduren trek

E: Talk too much about unimportant thing
J: Cangkeman

E: Smearing one's body with hot ointment or liquid and then massaging it
J: Mblonyoh

E: Going without notice/permission
J: Mlethas

E: Taking the longer way to get to the destination
J: Ngalang

E: Riding an old bicycle
J: Ngonthel

E: Falling/tripping forward (and may hit own face)
J: Kejlungup

E: Side effect after circumcision 
J: Gendhelen

E: Hot pyroclastic cloud rolling down from a volcano 
J: Wedhus gembel

E: a small, sharp thing embedded inside one's skin
J: Susuben/ketlusupen

E: Spending a lot of time doing nothing
J: Mbathang

E: Feeling uncomfortable because there is something that smells bad
J: Kambon(an)

E: Things getting out from a container accidentally because of gravity
J: Mbrojol

E: Get hit by thing collapsing on top of one's head/body
J: Kembrukan

E: Drinking straight from the bottle without using glass, where the whole bottle tip gets into the mouth
J: Ngokop

E: Cannot open eyes because something is shining very bright
J: Blereng

E: Something coming out from one's rear end little by little
J: Kecirit

E: Hanging on tightly to something in order to be inert 
J: Gondhelan

E: Falling/tripping accidentally because of a hole
J: Kejeglong

E: Being overly active carelessly 
J: Pecicilan (Pethakilan/Pencilakan)

E: Feeling unwell because of the cold temperature
J: Katisen

E: Making too much noise, disturbing other people
J: Mbribeni

E: Tripping over accidentally caused by wires, cloths, gowns, etc...
J: Kesrimpet

E: Being alone (or with a companion) in the corner of a place/room doing something suspicious
J: Mojok 

and those are only some little words from many more that we can think, as a Javanese.. (Iku nek wong Jowo yo sithik tok)... 

Wis ah, itu dulu.. ngantuk nih ternyata... update soon! bleeeh bleeh bleeh...

1 Response
  1. maria Says:

    waduh kok wis balik durung mampir omahku ,aku nyontek wekmu yo (jowo vs inggris). matur suwun yo cah ganteng.