time to move on again

HA! Akhirnya liburan saya di Indonesia berakhir juga.. Tak terasa waktu berjalan cepat, 1bulan sudah lewat semenjak Desember yang lalu setelah 2tahun saya pergi meninggalkan Indonesia. Liburan yang sudah ditunggu-tunggu dan juga terasa sangat spesial karena liburan ini saya bisa merayakan 3even besar bersama keluarga, kerabat, dan sahabat...

Ulang Tahun ke 80 Engkong Tercinta, Sutedjo

Happy Birthday Kong! Di usia yang ke80, semoga Engkong tetap semangat menjalani kehidupan, meskipun kadang merasa sendirian dan kesepian, tapi Engkong nd sendirian, ada Tuhan yang selalu menjaga Engkong..

Natal 2011-Tahun baru 2012

Natal dan tahun baru kemarin ini saya merayakan bersama keluarga di GKI Tm.Majapahit, kebetulan Gaby Geboy, adik saya ini, mementaskan drama musikal berjudul Inn Keeper bersama teman-temannya. Berjumpa dengan wajah-wajah yang familiar memang menyenangkan. Serasa menjadi bintang film dadakan juga karena banyak orang menanyakan bermacam2 hal... Well yang paling penting ya bisa natalan bareng mami papi n Geboy, setelah sekian tahun.. #lebay

after 4 years, maybe??

Tanggal 30 dan 31nya, kami ber4 memutuskan untuk berlibur ke Jogja, karena disamping tidak begitu jauh untuk tour yang tidak direncanakan, kebetulan keluarga Om Aris dari Singapore pas ada di Jogja juga, jadi sekalian bersilaturahmi dengan keluarga Om Aris.. 

Om Aris-Tante Evi-Mom-Nida-Qori-Gaby-Papi-Me
Sepulangnya dari Jogja, kami langsung menuju ke Gardenia untuk merayakan tahun baru bersama keluarga Om Dede dan Miss Lusy, sayangnya lil ken ud tidur.... Anyway, it was fun to have gather like this... 

Last but not least was, my 25th Birthday

YEp! Ulang tahun saya yang ke 25 kali ini dapat saya rayakan di Indonesia, bersama keluarga..setelah kurang lebih, 4tahun juga saya tidak merayakan bersama mereka.. kalau dipikir2, memasuki usia ke 25 ini artinya sudah 24tahun saya berada di bumi ini.. resolusi apa kira2 yang saya miliki ya?? ah, saya simpan saja jawabannya untuk saya sendiri..dan sayalah juga yang akhirnya dapat membuktikan kepada diri saya sendiri... =) 

and when the parties and fun are all over, it's time for me to move again.. Only God know what lies in front of my journey.. and with the support of my family and my friends, I believe it won't be an impossible task to do..coz God makes the impossible possible.. 

See you all next time!! GBu abundantly!!

jowo vs english
Halo! Greeting from Semarang nih sekarang.. baru saja dapet update Whatsapp'an dari Ik Lusy,maminya Kenan yang lucu itu.. (Kenannya lucu, maminya juga lucu kok).. Katanya, ternyata bahasa jawa itu lebih efisien dari bahasa Inggris.. 

E: Walk slowly on the edge (side) of the road
J: Mlipir 

E: Fall backward and the hit own head
J: Nggeblak

E: Got hit by a truck that is moving backward
J: Kunduren trek

E: Talk too much about unimportant thing
J: Cangkeman

E: Smearing one's body with hot ointment or liquid and then massaging it
J: Mblonyoh

E: Going without notice/permission
J: Mlethas

E: Taking the longer way to get to the destination
J: Ngalang

E: Riding an old bicycle
J: Ngonthel

E: Falling/tripping forward (and may hit own face)
J: Kejlungup

E: Side effect after circumcision 
J: Gendhelen

E: Hot pyroclastic cloud rolling down from a volcano 
J: Wedhus gembel

E: a small, sharp thing embedded inside one's skin
J: Susuben/ketlusupen

E: Spending a lot of time doing nothing
J: Mbathang

E: Feeling uncomfortable because there is something that smells bad
J: Kambon(an)

E: Things getting out from a container accidentally because of gravity
J: Mbrojol

E: Get hit by thing collapsing on top of one's head/body
J: Kembrukan

E: Drinking straight from the bottle without using glass, where the whole bottle tip gets into the mouth
J: Ngokop

E: Cannot open eyes because something is shining very bright
J: Blereng

E: Something coming out from one's rear end little by little
J: Kecirit

E: Hanging on tightly to something in order to be inert 
J: Gondhelan

E: Falling/tripping accidentally because of a hole
J: Kejeglong

E: Being overly active carelessly 
J: Pecicilan (Pethakilan/Pencilakan)

E: Feeling unwell because of the cold temperature
J: Katisen

E: Making too much noise, disturbing other people
J: Mbribeni

E: Tripping over accidentally caused by wires, cloths, gowns, etc...
J: Kesrimpet

E: Being alone (or with a companion) in the corner of a place/room doing something suspicious
J: Mojok 

and those are only some little words from many more that we can think, as a Javanese.. (Iku nek wong Jowo yo sithik tok)... 

Wis ah, itu dulu.. ngantuk nih ternyata... update soon! bleeeh bleeh bleeh...

Trolling from prison

An old Italian gentleman lived alone in New Jersey. He wanted to plan his annual tomato garden, but it was difficult work, as the ground was hard. His only son, Vincent, who used to helped him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament : 

Dear Vincent, I'm feeling pretty sad because it looks like I won't be able to plant my tomato garden this year. I'm just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. I know if you were here my troubles would be over. I know you would be happy to dig the plot for me, like in the old days. Love, Papa. 

A few days later he received a letter from his son.

Dear Papa, don't dig up that garden. That's where the bodies are buried. Love, Vinnie. 

At 4a.m the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man and left. That same day, the old man received another letter from his son.

Dear Papa, go ahead and plant the tomatoes now. That's the best I could do under the circumstances. Love you, Vinnie.