WoW.. it was pretty much fun vacancy i had this time!! great time, great weather, great companions, and everything!! Hahaha...thanks God I could have this time... my trip to Barcelona was really unforgettable. Starting from the very beginning to the very end, it was just excited! The very first was when the group [me,eLik,agnes,Rosi,iiK,jo,n veny] needed to go to the Eindhoven Station.. since me and eLik had to woRk on Sunday, we planned to go to Eindhoven after finishing work.. But, eLik foRgot to bRing his passpoRt with him..so he went home first, took his, and went back to Central Station.. not very good start since the last train to Eindhoven had left..so he had to spend the night in Utrecht whiLe me and others could rest in Tion's doRm... Credit to TioN!=P

The flight from eindhoven to Girona-Barcelona was on time too..it was even 10 minutes earlier than the EAT.. wonder if the pilot will get fined since he drove too fast up there in the sky? kwkkww...^^ afterall, we arrived safely in Girona, so Bus was the next method of transportation to go to the city -red:girona is arround 1hour away from Barcelona- i was sleeping all the journey to Barce since i got not enough sleep.. after 1hour journey, we arrived in the bus station and starting to collect information bout the metro, transportatin, etc etc... the metro station is just in front of the bus station, that was L1 metro that lead us to DiagonaL av, where we stayed in Sant Jordi Hostel..^^

The fiRst thing to do was to take a bit rest and RefResh my seLf with coLd wateR showeR...since the sun shine bRightLy, not too hot, but not cold at aLL...it woRked much..hahaha...^^ afteR tHat, the sagRada famiLy was the next destination...HohoHo, i didn't go inside, it will cost arround 11euRo.. i just tooK some pictuRe in fRont of the buiLding..
The sagRada famiLia itseLf is still on constRuction, and will be done in 20years because it's too complicated...wow!!^^.
Then i went back to the city, roam aRound a LittLe bit..took some pictuRe which is avaiLabLe in my facebook pRofiLe..hahaha... so, the end of day1 i guess..^^
1 Response
  1. Ririn.Cen Says:

    HOho lucu'e bubuk e keik terik tempe haha