the new song by Beyonce.... it dragged me to the time we used to be together....
Everywhere i'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace
You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away
Still...even now we're separated by time and distance...i still can see and feel your halo..^^
Miss you so much...
Thank you for loving me...
I..coro you too...^^ I am again... nd tau kenapa kok belakangan ini jadi nd begitu ada mood buat nuLis ya...apa karena ud butek ngutek2 skripsi yang mengharuskan untuk menulis kali y..hahah.. mbuh lah.. benere aku baru pulang dari vakancy si... lumayan lah, ngabisin duit dinegeri orang..kalo nd gitu nd abiz abiz duitnya... -seet..sombong mode:0n- wkwkkw... gaK Lah, cm break sejenak dari rutinitas training yang makin hari makin terasa aneh, aneh dengan orang2 anehnya, aneh dengan keadaan anehnya, aneh dengan keputusan2 anehnya... aneh dengan keanehannya.. *geleng2*
kalo mo jujur si...waktu waktu ini bisa dibilang cukup berat buat pikiran.. Mikirin ke depan ini aku mau ngapain...bakal ada dimana.. training disini kira2 tinggal sekitar 4bulan lagi.. then, where will I be? Will I get the same opportunity to extend my stay here? If so, should I take it or no? all of these questions stay still in my mind... disatu sisi, aku pengen bisa extend disini.. lumayan lah bisa earn some money to support my family back there in Indonesia, and also for my future...and my lovely Kuchay also will come for the same program here in we can spend times which we couldn't this 1year... Tapi banyak juga pertimbangan untuk stay disini... belum lagi wisudaku yang molor setahun.. But I don't know.. just like what Cha2 wrote.. "TuHan..aK tau EngKau aKan seLaLu menjaga, memeLiHaRa dan membeRkatiku juga Engkau seLaLu membeRiKan yang teRbaiK daLam Hidupku.." I know that I don't need to worry about everything, eben heizer...sampai disini Tuhan memeliharaku (kita), so why should I worry? Tapi namanya juga manusia...pasti kepikiran.. i'll just rely on my Almight God.. This coming Sunday will be my 3rd time to have opportunity to serve God in CrossRoad... just like the song we'll play.. surrender... I just need to surrender everything to You my Lord.. coz i know that i'm nothing without You..